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Blog - 2012

Posted Dec. 31, 2012

Getting back into the postgrad game after a Gap Year

How do you get back into education after a gap year taken after your undergraduate degree? It can be a little trying, but here are some tips.

Posted Dec. 26, 2012

8 Things You Should Know About Postgraduate Fresher's Week

Do you know what to expect from postgraduate freshers week? We have summed it up with three words: fun, frivolity and frolics. Read on to find out more.

Posted Dec. 21, 2012

How to Feel at Home as an International Postgrad in the UK

Whether you're feeling a little homesick or simply want to know how to make life easier , try giving some of these tried and tested techniques from other international postgraduate …

Posted Dec. 20, 2012

Infographic CVs and Top Tips for Making Your Own

With competition at an all time high, postgraduate students need to do whatever they can to stand out in a sea of job seekers .

Posted Dec. 19, 2012

Essential Online Tools and Resources for Postgraduate Students

In this blog post we look at some of the essential online tools that allow you to focus on your academic ideas. They could make your life easier!

Posted Dec. 18, 2012

How to Get a First Class Postgraduate Degree

If you're hoping for a magic formula or step-by-step guide to achieving a first class postgraduate degree then we're sorry to disappoint! What we can offer you though, is some …

Posted Dec. 13, 2012

How to Decide on a Topic for Your Postgraduate Thesis

If you have a hard time deciding on a topic for your postgraduate thesis, then here are a few tips to help you make a decision

Posted Dec. 12, 2012

Top Eco Friendly Universities in the UK

Are you the kind of student that takes into account a university's green credentials when choosing where you want to study? If you're passionate about the planet check out these …

Posted Dec. 11, 2012

5 Postgraduate Degrees That Will Make You Rich

Postgraduates can expect to bring home a salary that is nearly 25% greater than those with just a bachelors degree. If you've been wondering what the highest paying careers in …

Posted Dec. 9, 2012

6 Ways to Improve Postgraduate Student Living Conditions

Are you struggling to make ends meet and want to improve your living conditions? Here are 6 ways to do so that won't break the bank.

Posted Dec. 6, 2012

Simple Ideas to Boost Motivation for Postgraduate Study

If you're feeling like you've been heading down a slippery slope, take a deep breath, and check out some of our easy to implement and super simple ideas to boost …

Posted Dec. 4, 2012

Why the Postgraduate System Needs an Urgent Revamp

Britain's postgraduate system is in need of an urgent overhaul – but where exactly do the problems lie?

Posted Dec. 3, 2012

Top Tips and Tools for Easy Postgraduate Research

The first serious research project you will most likely ever undertake will be the one you embark upon during your postgraduate study.

Posted Nov. 30, 2012

Confidence Building Tips for Postgraduate Interviews

If you're preparing for a postgraduate interview try some of these top tips to help grow your confidence in ways you never thought possible.

Posted Nov. 29, 2012

5 Postgraduate Degrees that Could Benefit the Planet

Are you looking for a postgraduate degree that could benefit the environment, and not just your CV? Here are the hottest "green" degrees on offer.

Posted Nov. 28, 2012

Postgraduate Studying Abroad: Survive and Thrive

Postgraduate education has become much more international, with numerous exciting opportunities opening up all over the world.

Posted Nov. 27, 2012

Is Postgraduate Debt a Mountain too High to Climb?

Is the painful debt associated with higher education proving to be too much for prospective students?

Posted Nov. 25, 2012

7 Signs You Are Ready for a Master's Degree

Studying for a master's degree could open up so many new doorways and completely transform you life. But are you ready...?

Posted Nov. 22, 2012

21 Ways to Screw Up Your Postgraduate Degree

Not looking to derail your education? Then make sure you avoid these 21 pitfalls at all costs:

Posted Nov. 21, 2012

Are Postgraduate Degrees Really Worth the Money?

With the British economy going down the pan the burning question on every potential student's mind is: Are Postgraduate Degrees Still Worth the Time and Money?

Posted Nov. 20, 2012

15 Postgraduate Tips for Frugal Student Living

Student living can be tough, especially when you're working with a tight budget – check out our postgraduate tips for living student life the frugal way:

Posted Nov. 19, 2012

How Can Yoga Improve Your Postgraduate Grades?

Did you know that a regular yoga practice can improve not only your body's performance but also your mind's; therefore boosting your academic results?

Posted Nov. 16, 2012

Is it EVER Acceptable to Lie on Your Postgraduate CV?

Lying on your postgraduate CV will not only lead to public embarrassment but lack of experience will certainly be exposed once you are in the role.

Posted Nov. 15, 2012

Top Tips for Using Social Media in Your Postgrad Job Hunt

Check out our top tips for becoming social media savvy in your search for a postgrad job.

Posted Nov. 14, 2012

7 Ways to WOW at Your First Postgraduate Interview

Are you getting ready for your first postgraduate interview? Do you know how to wow your panel? Here's what you should know before you go in.

Posted Nov. 6, 2012

How to improve your chances of admissions success

If there is a particular postgraduate course that you are dying to get on to, then chances are you have already achieved high grades,

Posted Oct. 30, 2012

Starting your course in January could give you the edge!

What's the deal with January start dates and are they a good option for you? Find out how they are becoming a popular option..

Posted Oct. 20, 2012

Is doing a masters as part of your undergrad a good idea?

There are many undergraduate courses that allow you to study for an extra year, meaning that you can receive a masters qualification as part of your undergraduate degree.

Posted Oct. 12, 2012

BLING BLING! Does the Russell Group shine as gold?

Read this page to find out how the Russell Group's reputation as some of the best universities in the country might have more of myth than of truth.

Posted Oct. 3, 2012

Underachiever to highflier: perform well in your masters...

If you have a place on a master's course and you recognise that you made mistakes as an undergraduate that you’re willing to rectify, there is no reason why you …

Posted Sept. 25, 2012

5 Reasons Why UK Unis Are Great For Postgraduates

Here are the top 5 of these reasons why the UK is a great choice for a postgraduate degree.

Posted Sept. 17, 2012

Full Time Or Part Time Courses?

Choosing whether to study a full-time postgraduate course or a part-time postgraduate course can be a tough call.

Posted Sept. 10, 2012

4 Ways To Get Back Into The Academic Rhythm After Time Out

We all remember that feeling of returning to study after a long summer holiday, picking up a pen for the first time in months, putting it to paper to suddenly …

Posted Aug. 29, 2012

Living the Life of a Postgraduate Student!

After 3 or 4 years of blood, sweat and tears you’ve finally got your diploma in hand: you’re a graduate. You’ve made it to the promised land of job prospects, …

Posted Aug. 26, 2012

Top Things to Bear in Mind When Choosing Your Postgrad Uni

Choosing to do a postgraduate degree isn’t easy, but the decision of where to study for your postgraduate degree is perhaps even more difficult.

Posted Aug. 23, 2012

Mid-life Masters: Why Studying Isn’t Just for Twenty-somethings.

Here are the top seven reasons why now is a great time for older people to get a postgraduate degree.

Posted Aug. 20, 2012

Postgraduate University Rankings: Do They Matter?

League tables are a major influence on prospective students choosing to which universities they will apply. The question is do these league tables contribute as much in the decision making …

Posted Aug. 10, 2012

How not to lose your friends during postgraduate studies?

The academic way of life at postgraduate level can be best described as like 'living in a bubble', and because of that it becomes easy to forget what is going …

Posted Aug. 4, 2012

A mistress for a Masters, or how to earn while studying

Pursuing a second degree is a big financial commitment. We look at some ways by which you can make it less burdensome on yourself in paying fees.

Posted Aug. 1, 2012

Is being a postgraduate student healthy for your brain?

Postgraduate education today compared with a few centuries ago is not the same. I am not referring to some of the more obvious changes, such as that we are no …

Posted July 27, 2012

London 2012: 10 reasons to study in the Olympic city

There are a million reasons to visit the city of London. Here are top 10 reasons to study in the city that hosted Olympics in 2012.

Posted July 24, 2012

To PhD or not to PhD, that is the question...

To PhD or not to PhD, that is the question: To have as much free time as you wish, Or to live according to a strict schedule.

Posted July 20, 2012

How A Postgrad Degree Can Improve Your Career Prospects

A postgraduate degree can give you an edge over others, and heighten your career prospects by a massive margin. Find out why by reading this.

Posted July 18, 2012

Oxbridge Take Two: How to Get Into Oxbridge As a Postgrad

Here are 5 basic tips and things to bear in mind when filling in your application forms for Oxford and Cambridge University.

Posted July 9, 2012

Welcome to the weird & wonderful world of university societies…

University societies are a great way for students to meet like-minded people in a social environment. It can lead to building new friendships, gaining new interests and develop new skills. …

Posted July 5, 2012

University end-of-term ball… what not to wear

The University ball is the social highlight of the student year. Let's look at some ball-attires that you could consider wearing to your big social event!

Posted July 3, 2012

Canteen cuisine – what food can you expect at a UK university?

As a postgraduate student, you will end up relying on the food from your university canteen a little too often. Here's what to expect from it.

Posted June 29, 2012

The Oxbridge of Tennis and the Wimbledon of Education…

The Oxbridge of Tennis and the Wimbledon of Education… What makes the UK’s most prestigious universities and tennis tournament alike?

Posted June 15, 2012

Euro 2012 – match the nation to the drink!

One of the perks of being a university student is having access to the Student Union including the bar

Posted May 29, 2012

New rules for international students in the UK

New visa and immigration rules designed to curb abuse of the student visa system in the UK were announced last year and came into effect a few weeks ago on …

Posted March 20, 2012

How do academics choose where they work?

If you are considering postgraduate education, the knowledge, reputation and quality of the teaching staff will obviously influence your decision of where to study...

Posted March 14, 2012

The Russell Group is expanding!

The Russell Group – which is a group of world renowned, UK-based, research-intensive universities – is expanding its 20 members by a further four institutions.

Posted March 6, 2012

Is postgraduate study being neglected?

According to a recent report by the 1994 Group (which represents 19 internationally-renowned UK universities) higher education reforms will cause "great and lasting" damage to postgraduate study.

Posted Feb. 23, 2012

We are now on Twitter

Follow on @PGSolutions_Ltd to get the latest postgraduate information!

Posted Feb. 14, 2012

FT rankings reveal drop in MBA students

In 2012 the Financial Times published somewhat shocking news about the popularity of UK business schools. Their report revealed that the number of students applying to MBA programs in the …

Posted Feb. 6, 2012

Postgraduate funding to be investigated

The Higher Education Commission has launched an independent inquiry to investigate postgraduate education in the UK.more This inquiry will look at aspects of postgraduate funding including the possibility of Government-backed …

Posted Jan. 30, 2012

UK degree applications drop by almost 10%

Official figures released by UCAS (the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) reveal that the number of students from England applying to start degrees in 2012 has dropped by almost 10% …

Posted Jan. 23, 2012

Was Twitter really invented by animals?

According to an Aberdeen lecturer who has spent a decade researching the social conventions of the animal kingdom, this may be so...

Posted Jan. 17, 2012

Overseas campuses on the rise

Universities are increasingly setting up overseas branches to cater to the Asian student market.

Posted Jan. 9, 2012

Discover a world of adventure...

Postgrad Solutions student members can win tickets to The Telegraph Adventure Travel Show.

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