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Category – Funding

Posted June 24, 2024
Guide to funding your postgraduate studies
- by Charlotte King
- In General, Funding, Fees, Budgeting
As a postgraduate student you will need to take charge of funding your education, but managing your studies, tuition fee funding and living expenses on your own can seem daunting. …

Posted Oct. 27, 2023
The hidden costs of being a postgraduate student in the UK
Before embarking on a postgraduate journey in the UK, students are usually aware of the tuition fees and general living expenses. However, there are several hidden costs that can catch …

Posted Jan. 4, 2022
UK Government postgraduate funding for 2022
- by Charlotte King
- In General, Funding, Study in UK
Finding the right scholarship can be an extremely daunting task for any student who wants to continue their education, so here we present to you the some of the options …

Posted Nov. 8, 2021
You don't have to be rich to be a postgraduate student
- by Charlotte King
- In Funding, Fees, Student Life
If you are looking to become a postgraduate student, but concerned about the costs, try not to worry as there are plenty of places to go to for financial help.

Posted Aug. 15, 2021
How can you fund a masters degree?
- by Charlotte King
- In Funding, Fees
This blog will help you identify various funding types available for both home and international students looking to study their masters degree in the UK.

Posted June 17, 2021
What is the difference between PG loans & UG loans in England?
- by Charlotte King
- In Funding, Study in UK
If you are considering taking out a postgraduate loan, it is important to understand the difference between postgraduate loans and undergraduate loans in England.

Posted April 21, 2021
Student loans for postgraduates
- by Charlotte King
- In Funding, Study Advice
There are lots of funding options available for postgraduate students, including postgraduate loans and bursaries, and you should view borrowing money to study as an investment in your future, but …

Posted March 17, 2021
What is the difference between a PG studentship and a PG scholarship?
- by Charlotte King
- In Funding, Fees, PHD
Postgraduate studentships and scholarships have similarities, but they also have some key differences so it's best not to be confused about them.

Posted Feb. 8, 2021
Ways to fund your postgrad program in 2021
- by Charlotte King
- In Funding
There are lots of postgraduate funding options available if you know where to look and some of them depend on what you are going to study and at what level.

Posted Jan. 25, 2021
What is the new Turing Scheme and how will it help PG students post-Brexit?
- by Charlotte King
- In Funding, Study Abroad
With the finalisation of Brexit there will inevitably be some changes for postgraduate students in the UK.
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