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University of Kent: Biological Anthropology

Institution University of Kent View institution profile
Department School of Anthropology and Conservation
Study type Research


You will have the opportunity to conduct independent research supported by a team of supervisors led by one of our internationally recognised academics. Our regional expertise and breadth of thematic interests enables us to offer supervision across a wide range of topics within the fields of socio-cultural, biological, medical and visual anthropology.

MSc by Research These courses are one-year full time or two-year part-time programmes. You research and write a thesis under the supervision of one or two academic staff. We have a vibrant research group whose interests stretch across the range of biological and evolutionary anthropology. We can provide extensive and modern data-analysis facilities as well as a newly refurbished research lab dedicated to biological and evolutionary anthropology. We are actively recruiting new research students, and if you have an idea or topic you want to pursue, then we will help you develop your project.

Examples of potential projects include:

Human remains analysis Investigation of skeletal trauma (humans or other primate species) Human parental investment strategies Life-history trade-offs in humans Evolution of human sexual behaviour Primate foraging ecology Group dynamics in fission-fusion societies

MSc (Res)

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