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Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary Winners 2014

Find out about the winners of Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries 2014 – and how being awarded the £500 has helped them with their postgraduate studies.

Raymond McNamara, MSc of Electrical Power Systems, University of Bath

Postgrad Solutions Bursary Winner 2014 University of Bath “It’s like winning the lottery!”

22-year-old Raymond McNamara is studying an MSc of Electrical Power Systems via distance learning at the University of Bath .

Raymond, who is from Ireland, started his postgraduate course in Autumn 2014, and as he is studying the program via distance learning he is able to tie it in well with his graduate rotation job at Alstom Grid in Stafford. Raymond chose the University of Bath for his postgraduate studies as the distance learning course fitted his requirements exactly.

He explains, “I needed to gain further education on the topic of Electrical Power Systems with an IET accredited course. After close inspection of all available options including value for money, the Electrical Power Systems course by distance learning at Bath was the only option.” The flexibility of the distance learning program, coupled with the networking opportunities through residential weeks and online forums made it the ideal choice for him.

Raymond’s academic route has been massively influenced by his career choice of being an electrical engineer, but he also thanks his parents for their role in helping him to fulfil his academic potential. He says, “My parents have always encouraged my education and believed in me when I didn't believe in myself.”

Describing how he felt once he realised he’d been awarded a £500 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, Raymond said, ““Once I realised I had been awarded the £500, I was stunned! I never win anything and I am absolutely over the moon as this relieves the financial pressure of paying for a masters. It's like winning the lottery!”

Raymond is a keen advocate of – finding it an extremely useful tool to help guide him through his postgraduate studies. He says, “It's an easy-to-use website that provided me with all the information I needed to make an educated decision on taking me to the next level of my development. I would advise people to use this website as a first and only stop on their way to an educated decision on postgraduate education.”

Good luck with your studies Raymond!

Fiasael, PhD in Diagnosis of Slow Speed Rotating Bearing, Cranfield University 

Cranfield University “The £500 made me feel much more comfortable about paying for my course.”

Fiasael is a 25-year-old student from Kuwait who is studying a PhD in diagnosis of slow speed rotating bearing at Cranfield University in the UK. He was very pleased to be awarded one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries, explaining, “The £500 made me feel much more comfortable about paying for my course.”

Fiasael is finding the challenge of studying his PhD very rewarding, and loves the quiet study environment offered at Cranfield University. 

He enjoys our website, saying, “I like your idea of helping students.”

Thomas Sharma, MSc in Mechanical Engineering Design, University of Manchester

University of Manchester Manchester Bursary winner “I was very surprised to have won this bursary and will work hard to ensure it is not put to waste.”

Thomas Sharma is a 21-year-old Brit who is studying an MSc in Mechanical Engineering Design at The University of Manchester . When he discovered that he was the lucky winner of one of our £500 bursaries he was pleased, explaining, “I was very surprised to have won this bursary and will work hard to ensure it is not put to waste.”

Thomas chose to study mechanical engineering design at postgraduate level course because when he was studying his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hull the design process was the element of the course that he found to be the most interesting aspect.

So far he is really enjoying the course, explaining, “I am enjoying the course very much, however the workload is a lot larger than expected.” Thomas was attracted to the University of Manchester because of its global recognition and reputation – and he has not been disappointed with the quality of the course, faculty or university. 

He is a big fan of, saying, “I think that Postgrad solutions is an excellent website and I was referred to it via my university, confirming its legitimacy and usefulness. Thanks very much for all of your help so far.”

You’re welcome, Thomas!

Bright Baah, MSc International Business with French, Nottingham Trent University

Nottingham Trent University Winner Nottingham Trent University “Winning the £500 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary means the world to me right now with all my other expenses in mind.”

Bright Baah is a 24-year-old student from Britain. He is currently studying an MSc in International Business with French as an optional language at Nottingham Trent University , and is hoping that this course will provide him with expertise and insight into how businesses are run on a global scale. 

He was actually in a lecture when he found out the good news that he was the lucky recipient of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, and explains, “I believe that I screamed and everyone in the lecture just turned around thinking what’s wrong with Bright?” He goes on to describe just how great the news was. “The feeling I must admit was unbelievable and means the world to me right now, especially with all my other expenses in mind.”

Bright is really enjoying the course so far, enthusing, “The course has been epic since the very beginning, especially because of the diversity in the group with individuals from almost every continent. Learning from different cultures has broadened my understanding of business.” He is also really enjoying the atmosphere and location of Nottingham Trent University – and the fact that he has some few family friends living close by serves to make it even more enjoyable.

Bright studied HR as an undergad – but is now moving into the world on international business in the hope that it will make him much more marketable in the workplace. 

We wish Bright the best of luck with his course and his future employment.

Alexandru Tremurici-Mavropol, Comparative Politics, Administration, and Society (COMPASS), Radboud University Nijmegen

Radboud University Bursary Winner Radboud University “I never thought I would ever get the chance to use the word ‘flabbergasted’ properly, until I found out I had won the prize!”  

Alexandru Tremurici-Mavropol is a 22-year-old student from Romania who has gone to the Netherlands to study Comparative Politics, Administration, and Society (COMPASS) at Radboud University Nijmegen .

Describing how he felt when he found out he’d been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, he says, “I never thought I would ever get the chance to use the word ‘flabbergasted’ properly, until I found out I had won the prize. I had applied for the bursary in late August and had almost forgotten about it by November, and as I was reading the e-mail on my phone I honestly stopped in the middle of the road for a couple of moments in utter disbelief. It is hard to describe the feeling in words, but it is definitely one of my proudest moments.”

Alexandru is thoroughly enjoying his postgraduate program and is more than up to the challenge of studying overseas at this academic level saying, “Even though sometimes things do not go smoothly, and assignments keep piling up, in the end when everything is finished and I see my work being appreciated by my professors and my peers it gives me this overwhelming sense of accomplishment.”

He chose to study this particular course at Radboud University because it gave him the chance to study public administration from an international perspective. He explains, “When one thinks about ‘Public Administration’, an image of politicians or civil servants pops up, and most of the times this image is associated with a specific county. Radboud offered me the chance to come study public administration from an international perspective in a multicultural environment. Few universities in Europe detach themselves from this state-centric approach to public administration, but Radboud does.”

Radboud University is based in the relatively small town of Nijmegen. Alexandru comes from the much larger city of Bucharest – with almost 2 million people as opposed to Nijmegen’s 160,000. When Alexandru first moved here he was concerned that he may get bored and miss the hustle and bustle of a big city. However, thankfully this is not the case and he is thoroughly enjoying the small town vibe saying, “The quaint and quiet streets of Nijmegen have rubbed off on me, and now I enjoy the peaceful, laid back attitude of the people living here.”

Speaking about our website, Alexandru enthuses, “ is one of the better website hubs where students can go and find courses in Europe as well as different other countries all across the world. Furthermore, it has a wide range of articles regarding student financing, events, testimonials, and advice from students who are studying abroad.”

Samantha Morrish, MA (Res) Modern & Contemporary Writing, University of Reading

bursary winner 2014 University of Reading   “This £500 has reaffirmed if you seek out opportunities you will always find a way – thank you Postgrad Solutions!”

Samantha Morrish is studying an MA (Res) in Modern and Contemporary Writing at the University of Reading – and so far she is thoroughly enjoying the course describing it as, “A great balance of an academic course with creative elements.”

She explains, “I am really enjoying my course. I am learning to research in completely new ways, which is adding depth to my work. Exploring the University’s literary archives and working with the manuscripts held there has been a highlight so far.”

Samantha chose the University of Reading because of its outstanding reputation – and the fantastic reputation of the English department in particular. She says, “I did my Undergrad degree there and knew if I returned I would receive outstanding tuition.”  The large green spaces of the university campus are also a massive draw as it really is an idyllic learning environment.

Samantha was delighted when she discovered she had been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary. “I was so grateful to Postgrad Solutions for awarding me with the £500, which will go towards my tuition fees. It has been 5 years since I completed my undergraduate degree. Every year I wanted to go back and do a masters but I knew I couldn’t really afford it. I didn’t want to leave it any longer so I took the risk and enrolled. I am so glad that I did go ahead and this £500 has reaffirmed if you seek out opportunities you will always find a way. Thank you Postgrad Solutions!”

The English graduate is a big fan of explaining, “ is a great resource for anyone considering or taking a postgraduate course. It covers all aspects of studying at this level in a clear way with a nice mix of articles, videos and not to mention its generous bursaries.”

We’re happy to help!

Thadde Onkiri Isay, MA TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), Swansea University

Bursary Winner Swansea University Swansea University “The £500 will be very helpful for me as it will alleviate my financial difficulties.”

Thadde Onkiri Isay is a 47 year old student who is originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and became a British Citizen in 2013. 

Thadde chose to study at Swansea University because he already lived close by – making it the most financially viable option for him – although being awarded the £500 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary has certainly helped ease his money concerns slightly. He says, “The £500 will be very helpful for me as it will alleviate my financial difficulties. That is why I couldn't forget the Postgrad Solutions for their kindness in my entire life.” 

He has chosen to study TEFL at Postgrad level because when he lived in the Democratic Republic of Congo he used to be a teacher, and now he is a British Citizen he would like to improve his skills and experience in order to get the right job. 

Good luck with finding your dream job Thadde!

Oscar Güell Elías, Master in Journalism, Media and Globalization, Aarhus University

Aarhus University Aarhus University Bursary Winner “I was really surprised to have been awarded the £500. It was such a good surprise! This money will help me a lot.”

Oscar Güell Elías is a 28-year-old Spanish student studying a Master in Journalism, Media and Globalization at Aarhus University in Denmark.

He found out that he’d been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary from one of his university masters – and it was a surprise to say the least! He says, “I was really surprised to have been awarded the £500. It was such a good surprise! Once I had processed the information I felt very grateful for having been chosen, this money will help me a lot.”

Oscar chose to leave Spain to study an international master to help him progress in his chosen career in journalism. It is difficult to find employment in Spain at present and Oscar feels that by gaining an internationally focused journalism masters – which also features some time studying in Swansea University in the UK as well – his ideal career is much more likely to be within his grasp. He explains, “I thought that an international masters studied abroad would open me the doors to work outside Spain. I hope it will!”

Although he struggled with the course initially, Oscar is now finding it very enjoyable. He explains, “All our teachers are very good because they have a broad experience working as journalists and they can transmit us important knowledge that will be very useful in our future career.”

Oscar spent the first year of his postgraduate program studying at Aarhus University in Denmark and is now pursuing a specialization at Swansea University in the UK.

Oscar’s decision to study a postgraduate program has very much been influenced by economic factors – particularly from his home country of Spain. He says, “What has really influenced my academic path is the economical crisis we are suffering. When I began my bachelor degree more than 90% of the students got a job after the first year of graduation. When I finished, the crisis was already here and now there are few job opportunities in media. Many of us are leaving Spain to work in under qualified jobs or to study, because in Spain it is almost impossible to find a job even as a waiter.”

He continues, “As I have always wanted to be a journalist, I decided to continue my path by studying a masters degree abroad to develop an international career outside Spain. I am determined to work as journalist because when I have worked in media I have always liked it. I enjoy doing it and I feel I am doing something good for the society.”

Oscar is a fan of our website, saying “I find it very useful to find information about studying opportunities and advice to make student life easier. I also think it’s admirable that you offer scholarships to help students to pay their tuition fees, it helps lot of people.” 

Are you looking for funding for postgraduate studies? Check out the exclusive bursaries on offer from Postgrad Solutions.