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Postgrad Solutions Bursary Winners 2015

Find out about the winners of Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries 2015 – and how being awarded the £500 has helped them with their postgraduate studies.

Amit Rawal, MSc in International Business, Brunel University London

Brunel Brunel "I was ecstatic!"

Amit Rawal is a 23-year-old student studying his MSc in International Business, at Brunel University London .

When he found out he had been awarded one of the £500 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries Amit was delighted – he says, “I was so happy, grateful and appreciative! I applied for the bursary as financing my MSc would prove a tough task to conquer. I took a year out after my undergraduate degree to save up and travel before my masters. Despite this, I still needed some more financial help so I was ecstatic and so thankful for Postgrad Solutions’ help!”

One of the main reasons Amit chose to study at Brunel University is because it is a highly prestigious educational institute with a global reputation for being at the forefront of further education. Speaking of his university he enthuses, “Brunel provides students with effective training, participation in valuable networking events and financial support. I also love the culture at Brunel – everyone is very welcoming and is willing to work collaboratively.” He also loves Brunel’s London location, saying, “Being a student in the capital city is great – there really is an abundance of great opportunities.”

Speaking of his choice of postgraduate program, Amit says, “I have had an ever-growing passion to study international business and to do this at a postgraduate level enables me to sharpen and fortify my current business acumen whilst simultaneously deepening my awareness of global perspectives on business.”

And his choice of course hasn’t disappointed him. He explains, “I love the course so far, we are taught by great lecturers and all my modules are very varied which the course keeps engaging. In terms of highlights to date, the course offers great career training sessions, the chance to be involved in raising the business schools profile and also has a great social side.”

Amit is a big fan of – finding it a very useful resource for future and current postgraduate students, he says, “I love, it offers great advice for students from across the globe, including any important news, events and financial help. In addition, the site hosts a fantastic blog!”

Katharine Fearon-Coster, MSc Behaviour Change, University of Derby

University of Derby University of Derby "I was overjoyed to find out about the award."

Katharine Fearon-Coster, a 55-year-old student from England, is studying an MSc in Behaviour Change at the University of Derby .

When she found out she had been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary Katharine was delighted. She explains, “I was overjoyed to find out about the award. It will give me some peace of mind and not have to worry so much about money!”

A few weeks into her course Katharine is really enjoying it, she explains, “The course has been fabulous to date; I am really enjoying the study and meeting the rest of the class and tutors.”

Katharine chose to study at the University of Derby because Derby is her hometown and she thought it would be much easier to study near to her home. She loves Derby, describing it as a “friendly city which is just the right size and easy to get around.” She has come from a nursing background and has always been interested in psychology. She decided to do the MSc in Behaviour Change to build upon this interest and as she’s now working with young people she hopes the postgraduate program will help her build upon her knowledge, so that she can help then young people that she worsk with cope with difficult and diverse situations.

Speaking about, Katharine says, “The website is a very useful tool; providing lots of useful information to postgraduate students – I would highly recommend it to any prospective postgraduate student.”

George Ikenna Ewah-Uche, MSc in Macroeconomics and Financial Markets, Barcelona GSE

Barcelona GSE Barcelona GSE “I was truly elated!" 

George Ikenna Ewah-Uche is a 26-year-old Nigerian student and he is studying an MSc in Macroeconomics and Financial Markets at Barcelona GSE in Spain.

George was delighted to receive the Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary in more ways than one, “I was working on a Macroeconomics assignment when I got the email that I had won the bursary. This motivated me to figure out the grey area in the assignment that I was seriously battling with.”

Having studied Economics for his undergraduate degree, George then decided that the next logical step was to study an MSc in Macroeconomics and Financial Markets at Barcelona GSE. He says, “For a long time I have been fascinated by the interactions between macroeconomic variables in the aggregate economy and their impact on the national economy, that is how interest rates, money supply, inflation, industrial production and other macro variables impact the national economy.”

He is really enjoying the course so far – explaining that it is everything he hoped it would be – he also loves the international composition of the class at Barcelona GSE. George also loves living and studying in the city of Barcelona, explaining, “Barcelona is a beautiful city full of students. The inhabitants are friendly and always willing to help. I am yet to meet a hostile citizen.”

George thinks is a very useful website, he says, “I think the site is a resource centre for international students looking to study in Europe, and the additional incentive of winning a bursary really makes it very interesting for prospective students.”

Alexander Graf von Buelow, MSc Economics and Strategy for Business, Imperial College London Business School

Imperial College London Imperial “I was very surprised and happy – thanks a lot for your support!”

Alexander Graf von Buelow is a 23-year-old student from Germany who is currently studying his Master of Science in Economics and Strategy for Business at Imperial College London Business School. He chose this course because it allows him to learn more about Economics and Strategy, while building on his previous business background he gained during his undergraduate education.  Speaking about his MSc, Alexander says, “So far I am rather happy with my choice and I am really enjoying the very diverse and international composition of the class representing 49 different nationalities.” has been an extremely helpful website for Alexander, key in helping him fully research his postgraduate program options. He explains, “One and a half years ago, I started to consider which graduate program I might want to study. Although I knew at that point of time that I would like to pursue a degree that is somehow related to the subjects of Business, Economics and/or Finance, I was somehow surprised by the great variety of programs available. By doing some research and also accessing the support provided by, I was eventually able to decide on which programs I would like to apply for. I consider this website as a great resource for someone who wants to get informed about the variety of graduate courses available.”

Following his research Alexander chose to study at Imperial College London in part because it is the only university in Europe, which offers this specific postgraduate program that combines the three disciplines of Economics, Strategy and Business. Imperial College London is also a great choice because it provides a comprehensive career development service to help the postgrad students to prepare each of themselves for the upcoming job application process they will soon be facing.

Before moving to London, Alexander has lived in many other great locations, including Berlin (Germany), Copenhagen (Denmark), Hong Kong and Chapel Hill (USA). And he enthuses about his current location, saying, “I am still overwhelmed by the city of London. Every single day there are new things to discover, while you get the chance to meet and live with people from all over the world.”

Alexander’s future ambition is to work in the consulting industry – and he thinks his current choice of course is the ideal stepping stone for this. He explains, “I am pretty keen on setting up my postgraduate career in a management-consulting firm, and I consider this program as an additional opportunity to broaden my personal and interpersonal skillset.”

Good luck Alexander!

Tom Dirom Geddes, MSc Biomedical Engineering, University of Strathclyde  

Strathclyde University of Strathclyde “I was pleasantly surprised when I found out I had won the £500 bursary. It was something I had completely forgotten about and therefore it came as a very welcome surprise.” 

Tom Geddes is a 23-year-old Brit studying his MSc in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde . Having completed his undergraduate degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics at Strathclyde he was then keen to further his studies with a postgraduate course with the ultimate aim of developing additional skills that will lead to improved prosthetic solutions for amputees. He loves the university and the faculty, enthusing, “The Biomedical Engineering research department at Strathclyde is amongst the top 5 in the UK, making remaining here a no brainer!” 

Remaining at the same Biomedical Engineering faculty and university as was at as an undergrad has made Tom’s transition from undergrad to postgrad an easy one, and speaking of his course to date he says, “So far, the course has been challenging but enjoyable. The initial stages of this masters degree is from a pure engineering point of view, giving an in-depth look into rigid body, material and fluid mechanics as well as electronics. This baseline knowledge is key before moving onto the mechanics of the human body.” 

Tom recommends the website to other postgraduate students, saying, “The Postgrad website is a very useful tool for those who are looking to remain in education but are not aware of all of the opportunities available to them.” 

We wish Tom every success with his MSc.

Melinda Fekete, MSc in Computer Science, University College London

UCL UCL “I was extremely surprised and felt very privileged knowing the vast amounts of great applications must have received this year. It definitely takes a lot of pressure off me.”

Melinda Fekete is a 23-year-old postgraduate student from Hungary. Following her graduation with a BSc in Business and Economics, Melinda is now focusing her studies further by studying an MSc in Computer Science at University College London (UCL).

She has chosen to study Computer Science at postgraduate level as a stepping stone to achieving her career ambitions of working in computer programming, and so far the course has proven to be very enjoyable. Melinda explains, “The course has been great so far. Since it's a conversion degree program, students come from very diverse academic backgrounds, which I think is great, especially when it comes to group-work. Plus, we’re already working on real projects with real clients, which I find extremely exciting.” has been a very useful resource for Melinda, she explains, “Researching postgraduate opportunities can often be very difficult, especially when it comes to fees and funding. It's great that there is a place that collects all the necessary advice and information you need without being overwhelming. It was definitely a major help when I was deciding which universities to apply for.”

Melinda chose to study her postgraduate program at UCL because it is one of the UK’s top universities with world-class teaching and great industry links. Melinda also loves UCL’s central London location, enthusing, “I love the buzzing atmosphere, the cultural diversity and the endless opportunities – whether to do with entertainment or finding the perfect career move – all needs are catered for.”

Before finding herself studying her postgrad program in London, Hungarian-born Melinda studied her undergrad degree in three different countries – Denmark, Belgium and England. She says, “It has been a very rewarding experience and I haven't regretted it for a second.”

The £500 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary was an extremely welcome surprise for Melinda, she says, “I was extremely surprised and felt very privileged knowing the vast amounts of great applications must have received this year. It definitely takes a lot of pressure off me.”

Claire Gellard, MSc Psychology Conversion, Middlesex University

Middlesex Middlesex “I was initially absolutely gob smacked!”

28-year-old Claire Gellard is a British student studying her MSc in Psychology Conversion at Middlesex University .

She was delighted to be one of the recipients of a £500 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary. She explains, “I was initially absolutely gob smacked! Knowing how many applications you get, I was delighted and very grateful for the financial support. It has given me a lot of confidence that my academic and professional record has been deemed worthy of such an award.”

Claire has had a long-standing fascination with psychology. Before starting her postgrad program Claire spent the last five years working as an award winning filmmaker and television producer/researcher. She has also founded a company called 'Behind A Mind', funded by The Maudsley charity, this project is comprised of short films, animations as well as expert and patient lectures about mental health conditions.

She is also currently developing workshops for major mental health charity Mind, as well as working for leading mental health charity, OCD-UK. Upon completion of her MSc in Psychology Conversion, Claire’s plan is to aid in the discovery of new research to make a difference to those suffering from mental health.

Claire is really enjoying her course so far, she says, “I am thoroughly enjoying the challenge of the subject, the fantastic teaching and resources available to the students in their studies. I am keen to explore each topic to incorporate and focus upon within my final dissertation project next year.” She chose to study at Middlesex University because it has a solid track record in psychology, being highly ranked within this field.

She finds a very useful website, saying, "The website is really easy to navigate and find exactly what you are looking for. I would certainly recommend it to anyone seeking further study!"

Jessica Foden, MA in Musical Theatre, University of Surrey

University of Surrey University of Surrey “OMG! It was an incredible feeling finding out that I had one the £500 bursaries!”

Jessica Foden is a 27-year-old British student studying an MA in Musical Theatre at the Guildford School of Acting at the University of Surrey . She chose to study the MA in Musical Theatre because it integrates perfectly all of the different aspects of performing arts that have always interested her, singing, dancing and acting, as well as research projects.
When she found out that she had been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary she was delighted, saying, “OMG it was an incredible feeling finding out that I had one the £500 bursary! Learning that has the faith in me and my course is very humbling indeed.” 

As well as feelings of delight, Jessica was also immensely relieved, she explains, “The strains of having to pay such high course fees as well as keeping up with other responsibilities as a mature student is very stressful! But knowing that I have some help is such a huge weight of my shoulders...thank you!” 

Jessica chose to study at the Guildford School of Acting in Surrey because it is one of the best of its kind. She explains, “Training in Musical Theatre is offered at many schools but the reputation of GSA is phenomenal! I have wanted to study here from a young age!” As well as really enjoying her course, Jessica is also very taken with the location if her university, enthusing, “Guildford is a beautiful town with everything you need! There’s great shopping, as well as great bars and restaurants. It is also a great location with regards to London, which is the centre of our industry in the UK.” 
Jessica’s background is in performing. She started work in that industry as a child, and then gained a professional diploma as a teenager. Following this she did a selection of performance jobs – including travelling the world on various cruise ships. Now she wants to continue performing and hopes to gain high-level performance work in the future. She’s also excited about the prospects of teaching opportunities that will open up once she’s gained the MA. 

Jessica finds a very useful resource – particularly when it comes to the fees and funding advice. She explains, “For me the fees and finance section of the site is most useful. To have a site purely dedicated to Postgraduate Learning and Courses is brilliant, I didn't realise just how hard it would be but to have a base with advise and information is invaluable!”

We’re glad we could be of help Jessica!

Dominic John Martyn, MSc Engineering, Anglia Ruskin University

Bursary winner Anglia Ruskin “When I discovered I had been awarded the £500 I was in tears, it will help beyond belief.”

Dominic Martyn, 43, was a Tank Engineer in the British Army for 12 years prior to starting his MSc in Engineering at Anglia Ruskin University . He decided to study a postgraduate program after sustaining serious injuries whilst in Iraq with the Army. He explains, “I was injured in Iraq and spent the following 17 months in hospital. I was medically discharged from the Army, and my injuries also prevented me working in the heavy engineering industry. So, I had to use my brain instead of my body.”

Dominic’s injuries meant that he was registered 80% disabled – a heartbreaking diagnosis for such a physically fit and active man. However, he decided to channel his energies into the world of academia, “I didn’t let my disabilities stop me moving on. I did my HNC, then HND, then my degree, all in Engineering – I even achieved a First Class honours degree. I had gained a new zest for learning, so, I carried on. I will not stop. I will pass my MSc, then my PhD. Watch this space!”

He chose Anglia Ruskin University because it is based in his hometown of Chelmsford, which he describes as, “A beautiful city, very clean and with nice people.” And to date he is enjoying his course, saying, “The course is great. Informative, intellectual and HARD!”

Dominic was delighted to be awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, saying, “When I discovered I had been awarded the £500 I was in tears. It’s impossible to put into words my emotions, as it will help beyond belief. Having to live on a disability pension is hard, and paying for my MSc is not easy. Recent years have been so very hard. I am so very grateful and humbled.”

Dominic is a big fan of the website, describing it as, “A valuable asset to anyone doing Postgrad courses and the advice section is particularly beneficial and informative.”