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Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary Winners 2018

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Millicent Harwood, MSc Green Chemistry and Sustainable Industry Technology, University of York

Bursary Winner MillicentUniversity of York“This is a great amount of money and I am very grateful!"

Millicent Harwood is studying an MSc in Green Chemistry and Sustainable Industry Technology at the University of York. She was thrilled when she discovered she was a lucky recipient of one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500, explaining, “When I read the news that I had been chosen to receive the bursary I was utterly shocked and very excited. Having saved up for tuition and living costs and supplementing with student loans this will have a great impact on relieving the burden of the cost of postgraduate education. “ Millicent continues, “This is a great amount of money and I am very grateful as this will really help to reduce the stress and worry involved with paying for school.”

The 22-year-old British student chose this particular postgraduate program because she thought it would be a great way to apply chemistry to help create more sustainable industrial processes. She explains, “This course is rich in industrial links who provide an insight into the impacts of Green Chemistry and the department is at the forefront of laboratory research.”

She is really enjoying many aspects of her postgraduate program to date, enthusing, “The course is filled with presentations, workshops, guest lectures, group projects and laboratory experience meaning that everyday is different and interesting. The faculty is incredible, always encouraging new ideas and empowering students to be independent chemists.”

Although she is British, Millicent has spent the last 10 years living in British Columbia on the west coast of Canada, having emigrated there with her family from Devon, England. She completed her undergraduate degree in Environmental Chemistry at the University of British Columbia, and has now been enticed back to the UK and the hustle and bustle of city life.

Millicent chose the University of York for her postgraduate studies because of its excellent reputation in the field of Chemistry. She says, “It has a highly respected chemistry faculty with great funding for research and prospects after graduation.” She is very pleased with her choice of university, and particularly enjoys its location in the stunning city of York. She says, “York is one amazing city! The city centre has the beautiful Minster and stunning Shambles with so much character to make York one gorgeous city. York is bursting with life, which makes going out to enjoy the many restaurants and bars so much fun. All these components make York such a vibrant city that is just so exciting to be a part of.”

As well as being a fan of the city of York, Millicent is also a fan of our website describing it as, “ a very user friendly and a valuable tool for students.” She continues, “What I found specifically helpful was the ability to filter bursaries and find the ones relevant to the school and subject. Also, was one of the only resources I found to specifically help postgraduate students. “ We’re always glad to be of help.

Speaking about her future dreams Millicent says, “I am very motivated to have an impact on industry and succeed in chemistry.”  We have no doubt that you will succeed, Millicent – good luck!

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Lilica Kurata, MSc in Finance, University of Edinburgh

Bursary Winner LilicaUniversity of Edinburgh“I am very honoured to be selected and this gives me motivation to
work even harder on my degree!” 

Twenty two year old Lilica Kurata has come from Japan to study her MSc in Finance at the University of Edinburgh. Upon hearing the news that she was a recipient of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500, Lilica couldn’t believe her luck. She says, “felt like an early Christmas present had been delivered! I am very honoured to be selected and this gives me the motivation to work even harder on my degree!” 

Prior to studying her postgraduate program, Lilica studied a BA in Management Studies, and this is where her interest in Finance was piqued. Upon successful completion of her bachelors degree she decided to study a masters degree in this field. 

Although the course is rather challenging, Lilica was pleased to discover that there is always a friendly face or a helpful tutor to assist her when she gets stuck. She explains, “Even though I struggle with my work, exams, coursework etc., there is always someone who can help me, including my friends. This is such a great community to belong to conduct such an intense one year masters course.”

Lilica is enjoying studying at the University of Edinburgh, and explains, “I like how diverse the university is. Meeting with many nice colleagues and friendly lecturers are my motivation to study.“ She opted to study at the University of Edinburgh because although she wanted to enjoy and experience the diversity associated with city life, but she didn’t want to live in a city that was too large and overwhelming. She explains, “There are many students all around the world, and I think Edinburgh is smaller community than London, but with very similar diversity. I wanted to stay in a city which is not too big and nice to live as a student.” She was also drawn to the prestigious rankings that the University of Edinburgh is renowned for, even in Japan!

As well as being impressed by the University of Edinburgh, Lilica is also very impressed with, citing it as an invaluable resource when it comes to researching a university for your postgraduate studies. She explains, “It is definitely a useful website. Some information provided by the universities can be biased, but in, there are many honest reviews, so easy to get insights of studying at university and living in the city.” 

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Mark Chester, MSc Industrial Digitalisation, Manchester Metropolitan University  

Manchester Met UniBursary Winner Mark“It’s amazing! It’s a fantastic feeling to have the financial support which will allow me to focus on my studies and not have to worry about the costs of further education.”

Mark Chester, a 22-year-pd British student, is studying an MSc in Industrial Digitisation at Manchester Metropolitan University.

He was delighted when he found out that he was being awarded one of our x15 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500, saying, “It’s amazing! It’s a fantastic feeling to have the financial support which will allow me to focus on my studies and not have to worry about the costs of further education.”

Mark chose the MSc in Industrial Digitalisation at Manchester Metropolitan University course because it is the first course of its kind. He explains, “It’s completely unique and will provide me with key skills in additive manufacturing, emerging technologies, and advanced softwares as well as further insights into Industry 4.0.”

Manchester Metropolitan University is the ideal place for Mark to study as it’s home to an amazing technological facility called Print City. This  access to industrial grade machinery and software is something which only a small amount of other universities can offer. In fact, the university’s facilities and course impressed Mark so much that he commutes two hours from York to Manchester to attend!

Mark is all very impressed with pout website, He says, “It’s a fantastic tool for people who are unsure about studying a postgraduate course. With helpful information regarding courses available, funding and fees, it basically has all the information you need to help make your decision.”

So far, Mark is thoroughly enjoying his postgraduate program, he enthuses, “The highlight for me has to be the round table discussion we do each Monday morning.  Each member of the group presents a topic relating to our course to discuss.  We also have regular guest lectures from different industries delivering insights into their sector, which is particularly fascinating.”

Design has always been of interest to Mark, and before becoming a postgraduate student, Mark studied a BA in Product Design, graduating with a First and winning global Design for Industry competitions along the way. He says, “I’ve known from a young age that I’ve wanted to be a designer and help change the world for the better. This course will help me to do so!”

We are thrilled to be able to help Mark on his journey to making the world a better place!

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Ekaterina Khaleva, MSc Allergy, University of Southampton

Bursary Winner EkaterinaUniversity of Southampton“I’m very grateful for your financial support so that I will be able to reach my goal of becoming an allergist and more experienced researcher. With your support, I will make it! “

28-year-old Ekaterina Khaleva is an international medical doctor studying an MSc in Allergy at the University of Southampton. As a keen allergist with a passion and enthusiasm to research and develop new methods in the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases, Ekaterina was delighted when she found out she was one of the recipients of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500. She says, “I’m very grateful for your financial support so that I will be able to reach my goal of becoming an allergist and more experienced researcher. With your support, I will make it! “ She continues, “Any external funding helps propel me towards my dream of studying my MSc in Allergy at the University of Southampton, and thus eventually help people who suffer from allergies receive better treatment.“

Ekaterina chose to study at the University of Southampton because of its excellent reputation, it is in fact one of only two institutions in the UK recognised as a World Allergy Organisation Centre of Excellence. Speaking of the course so far, she enthuses, “The course is fantastic! The content is great and is delivered by staff who are extremely enthusiastic and passionate about the subject. It has the right balance of clinical experience, theory and work. Students are from different health disciplines which means it is a very interesting and unique atmosphere in the classroom.”

During her studies Ekaterina is hoping to learn more about immunological mechanisms involved in the development of allergic diseases and how to integrate this knowledge into diagnosis and treatment. She is also keen to explore how to evaluate the psychological impact of living with allergy with the ultimate aim of improving allergy management for the patient. She explains, “It is an honor for me to have the opportunity to care for allergic patients in their most vulnerable times, focusing on facilitating them to lead healthier and therefore, happier lives. I cannot imagine a more fulfilling job.” Continuing, she says, “I’m an allergy fighter, dedicated to supporting those who suffer from the burning peanut allergy. I’m inspired to use the new therapeutic tools I will receive during my MSc, and bring a proverbial ladder to create an escape route and rescue these patients from their life-threatening situations.”

Ekaterina has been interested in research for a long time, having been an active member of scientific societies and presented at numerous conferences ever since her first year of medical school. She explains, “I have great enthusiasm for education and constantly worked hard with determination to achieve my MD in Paediatrics with Distinction. Over the past years I have been volunteering for different research projects such as breast milk research, food allergy, and anaphylaxis during surgical procedures.” 

Studying this MSc in Allergy at the University of Southampton is a natural progression for her career path and one that should help her achieve ultimate goal of helping those with severe allergies. She says, “I strongly believe that education is the key to improving clinical care, and feel that more extensive grounding in all core areas of allergy and leadership will help me to be a more effective clinician. It is an honor for me to have the opportunity to care for allergic patients during their most vulnerable times, focusing on facilitating them to lead healthier and therefore, happier lives.”

As well as finding the course interesting and fulfilling, Ekaterina is also really enjoying the social aspect of studying at the University of Southampton. She explains, “The student union at the University of Southampton organises plenty of different types of activities, supports over 70 sports clubs and more than 150 societies covering a whole spectrum of sports and special interest societies.”

And when it comes to our website – – Elaterina is also most impressed, enthusing, “ is an excellent website and incredible tool for prospective students which provides a large amount of up-to-date information such as admission, fees, visa, IELTS and different types of funding available all in one place! Fantastic!” Continuing to pile on the praise, she says, “What I also like is that blog posts are very helpful and provide insight into current postgraduate’s experiences and what to expect from particular degree. I would definitely recommend it to those students looking to continue their education.”

Speaking about her future Ekaterian says, “As part of my future academic career I aim to teach medical students about allergy and immunology. I am interested in becoming more involved in translational research and have been a part of the on-going research projects within our academic department. Following the masters course, I am determined to enroll on a PhD program so that I can continue as a Paediatric Allergist with interests in academic and translational research.”

And her final thoughts…”Let’s fight against allergy and help young, enthusiastic researchers create a better future!” Well said Ekaterina! We’re very glad to play our part in helping you create a better future for allergy sufferers everywhere.

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Jihana Mottley, PhD in Epidemiology & Population Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Jihana Bursary WinnerLondon School of Hygeine & Tropical Medicine“ helps potential students make their dreams a reality.”

Jihana Mottley is a 30-year-old Trinidadian student who is studying her PhD in Epidemiology & Population Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

Finding out she was a lucky recipient of one of our x15 £500 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries was brilliant news for Jihana. She says, “I was incredibly surprised and thrilled to have received the award. As I had already moved to London and began my course, it was incredibly pleasant to receive a bit of relief towards my bills this term!”

Jihana chose to study at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine after meeting former pupils from all over the world, that have gone on to work in a fantastic variety of fields and benefitted from diverse job opportunities, all as a result of their networking experience at LSHTM. And this choice of institution and course has proved to be a great decision, with Jihana enthusing, “I am loving the course thus far. I really appreciate being in a world-renowned postgraduate institution where the faculty is incredibly diverse and talented, yet students are really encouraged to be very self-starting and to think on the cutting edge.”

She also very much appreciates LSHTM’s location, saying, “I am absolutely in love with London. I find it to be the perfect balance of contemporary and ancient tradition, style and whimsical quirkiness. I love finding a city that is exceptionally diverse in every metric for human beings!”

Jihana’s upbringing has played a big part to play in her decision to become a scientist. She reminisces, “As a child I was always encouraged to read voraciously and to explore nature thoroughly, both of which have framed my analytical nature of thinking.” She continues, “While starting with an undergraduate degree in Biology, I was eventually able to pair my love of scientific research with my interest in International Relations and Policy through a Masters of Public Health. During that program I discovered the beauty of Epidemiological research!”

Throughout her postgraduate journey Jihana has found to be a very useful tool, explaining, “I think is a very comprehensive and user-friendly forum for potential postgraduate students. It provides relevant information in a broad array of subjects and this translates into the practical realm as well, with suggesting events and sources of funding to help potential students make their dreams a reality!” 

We are really glad to have played our part in helping make Jihana’s dreams a reality – and wish her every success in the future.

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Higor Galao Alves, MSc in Wind Energy Systems, University of Strathclyde

Bursary Winner HigorUniversity of Strathclyde“At first I could not believe that I was one of the lucky guys who had got this award.”

Higor Galao Alves is a 33-year-old postgraduate student with dual Brazilian and Italian citizenship studying an MSc in Wind Energy Systems at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow in Scotland.

He was delighted when he found out that he was one of the lucky recipients of a Postgrad Solutions Bursary worth £500, enthusing, “At first I could not believe that I was one of the lucky guys who got this award. I have tried many scholarships and bursaries throughout this year to help me cover the tuition fees and living costs. The Postgrad Solutions bursary could not have come at a better moment, as I am struggling financially to accomplish my goal of completing my postgraduate course.”

Higor continues, “The main issue I am currently struggling with is coping with the financial burden of paying for my university tuition fees and the living costs here in Glasgow, whilst also having to support my family in Brazil at the same time. That is the reason why the Postgrad bursary is so important to me.”

Following the completion of a BSc in Electrical Engineering in 2011, Higor got his first job as an engineer in a Portuguese-based utility company. He then worked in a couple of other roles before deciding to pursue the MSc in Wind Energy Systems. He chose this course because he wanted to study something that could make an impact on people’s lives, explaining, “As the world is currently suffering an extreme climate change due to the CO2 emissions mainly involved with the energy generation from fossil fuels, I thought that studying a subject which is related to renewable energies would bring me the knowledge required to help fight the greenhouse gas footprint.”

Higor is really enjoying his MSc program so far, attributing the extra-curricular visits and outstanding lecturers in helping to really develop his knowledge. He also welcomes the diversity of the university, enthusing, “I am enjoying the fact that my class is made up of students from all parts of the world. This multicultural environment helps us all to open up our minds, learn about different cultures, ethnicity and religions, and fundamentally respect each other.” He is also enjoying living and studying in Glasgow, describing it as a vibrant city.

He chose to study at the University of Strathclyde for four main reasons; the University of Strathclyde is ranked among the best electrical and electronic engineering schools within the UK; the length of the course is just one academic year; because he was awarded an SAAS loan as well as the University of Strathclyde’s Excellent Engineering Scholarship; and because he wishes to settle in the UK permanently with his wife, and felt it necessary to be in situ before the Brexit cut off date of 29th March 2019, as he is unsure what will happen then for EU citizens.

Higor rates the website as an invaluable resource for postgraduate students, explaining, “ I would recommend using  the website, it helped me to find lots of relevant information about the programs I was interested in applying to.” 

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Benny Umaru, Master of Education in Leadership & Management, Mary Immaculate College

Bursary Winner BennyMary Immaculate College“I was excited, shocked and thankful for this opportunity because it will help me ease the financial burden of my postgraduate program”

Nigerian student Benny Umaru is studying a Master of Education in Leadership &
Management at Mary Immaculate College in Ireland.

She was delighted when she found out she was one of the lucky recipients of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500, and explains, “I was thrilled and felt really privileged to have won the £500 bursary despite the fact that thousands of people all over the world applied for it.” Benny continues, “I was excited, shocked and thankful for this opportunity because it will help me ease the financial burden of my postgraduate program. It will also encourage me to put in my very best, knowing that this award body believed so much in me and are counting on me not to let them down.”

So far Benny’s course has proved to be both rewarding and enjoyable – and a great stepping-stone to her future success and happiness. She explains, “This course will afford me the necessary qualities and analytical skills to expand my academic and professional experience both as a leader and an educator.” She continues, “Even though there have been some challenges, the highlights have been interesting with passionate lecturers and friendly colleagues who continuously inspire me to be creative. Plus, the breath of air from the environment at Mary Immaculate enlivens me.”

Benny chose to study at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, Ireland because of its warm and welcoming ambience. It is known for welcoming students from all over the world and supporting a diverse student population. She enthuses, “It is an excellent, innovative centre of learning experience and research capabilities grounded in the field of education and committed to professional development. This helps to provide students with great support to facilitate their learning experience and inspire them to achieve their potential.” She is really happy with the location of Mary Immaculate College, finding both Limerick and Ireland to be very friendly and welcoming. She enthuses, “I love the city because of its national culture and theatre arts filled with different people from all over the world. I also enjoy the buzz of city life combined with the calmness of the country lifestyle, and I love the people of Limerick because they are kind and welcoming.”

Benny grew up in a well-educated family who all share a love for education and this has inspired her own passion for education. Describing her family she says, “They inspired in me the zeal to succeed as well in all my academic endeavours.” It was when she was at secondary school that she wanted to be able to positively affect children’s lives in the same way that her own teachers did her, and it was this desire that resulted in her entering the world of education. She adds, “My love for children has also inspired me. I have always been involved in some form of teaching and tutoring children of various ages. I am always inspired and fulfilled when I see them believing in themselves and learning a new skill. The joy I derive from this is my greatest reward.”

Speaking about her future plans Benny says, “I want to be able to inspire and foster positive change and good morals in individuals and in society in general. I believe that educators play vital roles within the society and should serve as embodiments of values, innovation and good morals.”

We asked Benny what she thought of, and she was very enthusiastic saying, “I think the Postgrad website is an important resource platform for both the postgraduate and prospective postgraduate student. It provides access to vital information that will help to make the right choices pertaining to study intentions, institutions and career opportunities, which eventually will lead to the actualisation of goals and dreams in life.” She adds, "It is an honour to be awarded a bursary by your impressive and reputable organisation. Honestly, a lot of people will be encouraged and benefit from your website." We certainly hope that Benny achieves her goals and dreams and know that studying this Masters in Education in Leadership & Management is a huge step in the right direction.

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Bassel Ajouri, MSc in Finance & Accounting, University of Aberdeen

Bursary Winner BasselUniversity of Aberdeen“I am so grateful and thankful that I have been chosen among thousands of students. 
I was genuinely shocked and I couldn’t believe it.”

Bassel Ajouri is a 26-year-old French Syrian postgrad studying an MSc in Finance & Accounting at the University
of Aberdeen
. This is a postgraduate degree and university that he selected as a result of researching his options on He explains, “I am pleased to say that Postgrad Solutions assisted me in regards to what course I should take!”

Bassel was delighted to find out that he had been awarded one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500. He says, “I couldn’t be happier. I have been struggling financially in order to keep up with my living cost and my studies. I am so grateful and thankful that I have been chosen among thousands of students. I was genuinely shocked and I couldn’t believe it.”

Having previously studied a BA in Finance & Economics at the University of Stirling, following its completion Bassel wanted to further his studies in a direction that would help his future career. He explains, “I wanted to do something different where I could be more valuable from an employer perspective, and continue learning and gain more financial knowledge.” And it was whilst he was researching his options on that Bassel discovered his perfect postgrad program – the MSc in Finance & Accounting at the University of Aberdeen.

He explains, “I felt this course would boost my CV to the right level where I could compete with other candidates. I feel more confident now due to the desirable IFRS certificate (one of my modules) that a lot of employers require.” As well as being interested in this particular course, Bassel was also very keen to study at the University of Aberdeen due to its reputation for diversity, as well as its excellent facilities – including the Sir Duncan Library and Sports Village – and employment opportunities, and he’s not been disappointed. He says, “I proudly can say that I have made the right decision of coming over here to Aberdeen and making the most of my time.”

Bassel has found to be highly instrumental in his postgraduate journey and advises others to follow his example. He says, “I would highly encourage anyone thinking of continuing his/her study to use as this website can assist and guide you massively for your future career.”

Good luck with your future career Bassel!

Alexandria Barry, MA in Producing, MetFilm School

Bursary Winner AlexandriaMetFilm School“I was over the moon!”

Alexandria Barry is a 22-year-old Northern Irish student, studying an MA in Producing at MetFilm School in London.

When Alexandria found out she’d been selected as one of the lucky recipients of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500 she was delighted! “I was over the moon!” she exclaims, “I am working full time as well as studying full time in order to pay the fees myself and knowing that I won’t have to pay as much is a weight
off my shoulders, especially since Christmas is coming up!”

Alexandria has been studying film since leaving school at 16 years old, starting with studying Creative Media Production at college for two years and then a BA in Media Studies & Production at Ulster University. After completing her degree Alexandria was keen to get more practical experience in this field to boost her CV – and
this resulted in her choosing the MA in Producing at MetFilm School. The course is both intensive and practical – and should prove to be invaluable in kick-starting her career. She’d also been given great feedback from previous
students about MetFilm School, and was encouraged by the high number of graduating students that have started working in the industry very quickly
after graduation. 

Alexandria is really enjoying the MA in Producing so far, and says, “Highlights include being able to collaborate with other passionate film students on the other various courses and starting to produce our own films from scratch.”  She’s also really enjoying her new life in London, despite it being very different to where she used to live. She says, “This is my first time living in such a large city. London is a nice change from home, there is so much diversity and there is always something to see or do.”

Commenting on our website, Alexandria says, “I think it is well put together and simple to navigate, the information on funding has proved useful for myself.” She finds it to be a useful tool in her postgraduate experience, adding, “I really like the blog on surviving on low budgets and looking after yourself, it’s so important and many people forget to.” 

At Postgrad Solutions we understand how important funding, budgeting and financing is to the success of postgraduate students and we are really pleased to have been able to help Alexandria – and wish her the best of luck in her future film career.

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Tisam Jlajli, MSc in International Trade & Finance, London Metropolitan University

London Met UniversityBursary Winner“I am honored to have had the chance to be selected among many students.”

French postgraduate student, 22-year-old Tisam Jlajli, is studying an MSc in International Trade & Finance at London Metropolitan University.

Tisam was delighted to discover that he is a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary Winner 2018 and says, “I am honored to have had the chance to be selected among many students. This scholarship will be of great help to me in my project.”

Tisam’s brother recommended London Met University to him because he is also currently studying a BA in Business Management here, and so far the recommendation has proved to be a good one. Tisam is particularly enjoying living in London, saying, “Living in London is such a great experience for me. This city has a real energy and offers a lot of opportunities for young people like me. “

He chose to study an MSc in International Trade & Finance because of his keen interest in finance, and he is determined to go into this field for his career. This masters is a natural progression from the bachelors degree in Business & Entrepreneurship that he studied in Paris, as well as his internships in the world of corporate finance. It is the early days of the course, but it seems to be the right choice, Tisam enthuses, “So far, I am really enjoying my course I found my lectures really interesting and rich in terms of content.”

Speaking of his future career path Tisam says, “I consider that the international trade is a real key of success for wealthier countries as well as the developing countries and I would like to be involved into that process in the near future.” 

We wish Tisam every success in his MSc and his future career in finance.

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Natasha Spreadborough, Juris Doctor, Emory Law

Bursary Winner NatashaEmory Law“I was chuffed to bits! I didn’t expect it so it was a wonderful surprise!”

British student, Natasha Spreadborough, 27, is studying a Juris Doctor at Emory Law in Atlanta, Georgia.

When she found out she was a lucky recipient of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary,
Natasha was delighted, exclaiming, “I was chuffed to bits! I didn’t expect it so it was a wonderful surprise!”

Before starting at law school Natasha was a political researcher and analyst, however she chose to study a JD in order to gain a well-rounded law degree that she can use across the globe. She also knew
it would enable her to specialise in her specific career interest – international law. 

Speaking about her experience on the law program so far, Natasha says, “I love the course! My professors are incredibly passionate and engaging. One of the highlights has been my course mates, who are from such different backgrounds to me and are so intelligent and challenge me to think in new ways.”

Natasha chose Emory Law for her postgraduate studies because of its reputation, as well as its JD course and the clinical offerings in international law. Emory Law’s location in the buzzing city of Atlanta was also a big draw, she enthuses, “I love the weather and the friendly and laid-back atmosphere!”

Describing our website – – Natasha says, “I think it’s a great resource for future students!” 

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Silas Biyogo Ondimu, LLM in Construction Law & Arbitration at Robert Gordon University

Bursary Winner SilasRobert Gordon University“I am extremely delighted and appreciative of the award.”

33-year-old Silas Biyogo Ondimu from Kenya is studying an LLM in Construction Law & Arbitration at Robert Gordon University.

He was delighted and relieved when he found out he was one of the worthy recipients of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, saying, “I am extremely delighted and appreciative of the award as it pushes closer my dream in achieving an LLM in Construction Law and Arbitration.” He continues, "I will be forever be appreciative to Postgrad Solutions for awarding me the study bursary."

Silas chose the course at Robert Gordon University because its curriculum is tailored made to address the present day challenge in the construction industry. He is really enjoying his course so far, finding it to be an insightful and relatable course that he can apply to what is currently happening in the construction industry in Kenya.

Construction Law and Arbitration is an area of law that became familiar to Silas whilst he was working with a construction company in Nairobi, Kenya as an Assistant Quantity Surveyor. He explains, “I noted something fundamental in the construction arbitration processes of the company, It was not possible to secure services of a lawyer who had an in depth construction background, and as such you will find the company hiring a lawyer and a quantity surveyor to bridge this gap which was very costly for the company,” He continues, “I vowed having done construction as a profession that I would go ahead and enroll for an undergraduate degree in Law which I did so that to be ahead of the pack in offering legal and construction counsel all rolled in one without relying to any other party. The LLM in Construction Law & Arbitration will put me at an extremely advantageous position first by enhancing and furthering my knowledge, and by increasing my competitive advantage in terms of the great opportunities awaiting me.”

Silas is impressed with the, describig it as an informative and extremely useful website for postgraduate students. He is also impressed with the way we help fund 15 postgraduate students with our postgraduate bursaries every year. He told us, "May you continue with the good spirit of providing financial aid in promotion of education." Don't worry Silas, we intend to!

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Joseph Pollock, MSc Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security, Abertay University

Bursary Winner JosephAbertay University“I was extremely surprised and grateful.”

Joseph Pollock, 31, is studying an MSc in Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security at Abertay University in Scotland.

The 31-year-old British postgraduate student was really pleased when he found out that he’d been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500, enthusing, “I was extremely surprised and grateful. I only remember winning a single raffle prize during my entire life!”

When asked why he chose this particular field for his postgraduate studies, Joseph explains, “I chose this course because it is an incredibly interesting field with great career prospects. Anything with the word 'Hacking' in the title has to be fun.”

To date, Joseph’s career path since completing his undergraduate degree hasn't been clear-cut. He’s tried his hand at various enterprises and careers without finding something suitable, which is why he decided to go back to university and study a postgraduate course, and luckily this was the right choice. He says, “The course is incredibly interesting, although the workload can become very heavy at points. Just being part of the course is a personal highlight for me. Learning specific hacking techniques is another highlight, it has given me a much deeper appreciation of the field.”

Joseph chose Abertay University for his postgraduate studies because it was the only university he could find that offered this this specific course. So far he’s been so busy with his studies that he hasn’t had much time to explore the city of Dundee in which Abertay is located. However, he has managed to enjoy the stunning surroundings whilst travelling to and from the campus. He says, “When I first started this course I cycled across the Tay Bridge every morning to get to uni. The views are incredible. I'm grateful for my time here.”

When we asked Joseph what he though about our website – – and his experiences using it, he had plenty of positive things to say. “The website has a great deal of useful content. I also love the tiled layout of the main page, allowing you to easily view & select different categories – good UX design!” He continues, “Out of interest, I was browsing the 'Study in the USA' category. Selecting this category immediately shows all the relevant details regarding Visas and immigration, University rankings, etc. Having this related content on a single page with an easy to view layout is amazing. More importantly though, a lot of effort has been put into sourcing and displaying that content. So, apart from providing targeted information, the website also provides a feeling of security that comes from the people in the background who care enough to provide this information.” We’re so pleased to hear first hand that our user experience is so highly rated!

But enough about us, what about one final word on your course and future, Joe? “I love my current degree course and I hope it leads me to a rewarding career. This is my second chance.”

Good luck with the course and your future career – you deserve it!

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