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Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary Winners 2019

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Betsy Uchendu, MSc Computer Science, University of Kent

Bursary Winner BetsyUniversity of Kent“It’s been a great motivator and I am sincerely grateful to have been chosen”

24-year-old Betsy Uchendu is studying an MSc in Computer Science at the University of Kent.

The British student was delighted when she found out she was a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary winner, exclaiming, “I was over the moon when I received the email! I couldn’t stop smiling and re-reading – I couldn't believe it!” She continues, “It was such a wonderful surprise and a welcome relief to know that I would have support financially from Postgrad Solutions – it’s still a shock. Winning £500 has really lifted a weight off my shoulders and it’s made me want to do even better knowing that I have been selected from such a large number of people. It’s been a great motivator and I am sincerely grateful to have been chosen.”

Before she started her postgraduate program, Betsy made use of to gen up on what to expect from her masters course. She says, “I think is a great asset for postgraduate students from different perspectives; those who are already at university, those who have already decided to go and those who are contemplating their decision. There’s a huge variety of content, information and valuable support or advice wherever people are on their journey. I read a lot of the advice information during the summer before I started university, and it was very useful in ensuring I was prepared for everything that was to come.”

Betsy decided to study her MSc in Computer Science because she is deeply fascinated with the subject matter as she explains, “I had a desire to understand the foundation of how programs work from idea, design, input and output, and how we can use programming languages to create an experience with a final product. I’m invested in learning how to build and design systems that meet both organisational and human needs from a range of perspectives.” 

So far, Betsy is enjoying the postgraduate program even more than she thought she would, enthusing, “The course has been extremely rewarding from the get go – I was confidently writing simple Java code in less than two weeks! It’s been a stepping stone, particularly as I have come from a different field having studied Psychology for my undergraduate degree. Because of this, every day feels like a different challenge – but it has made the small, daily wins even more satisfying. I have also found myself more curious and fascinated by modules and topics I didn’t think I would, which has made learning exciting again.”

Betsy first visited the University of Kent during an open day and found herself immediately drawn to the university. She recalls, “I found myself comfortably walking around the campus from the moment I got there, exploring new buildings and speaking to people even though I’m usually quite shy! I knew I was going to be doing my masters degree there immediately; visiting the School of Computing and speaking to other masters and PhD students only confirmed this and really showed me how great University of Kent would be for studying Computing. It also felt like I would have the freedom to explore my previous interests in Psychology also to make the two subjects work together.”

Betsy commutes to Kent’s Canterbury campus from the Medway campus, and is always pleased to find herself onsite. She says, “I always feel welcome and excited to be on the Canterbury campus. There are always cultural events, film showings, or sports and societies holding something to attend! It’s a great atmosphere all the time and even if you haven’t been to something before, there’s always space for new faces. The library is also a great place that I enjoy spending time in; everything I need is so easily accessible.”

It sounds like the University of Kent is the perfect choice for Betsy's postgraduate studies!

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Silvio Braun, MSc Work & Organisational Psychology, University of Limerick

Bursary Winner University of Limerick University of Limerick“I instantly felt relieved and energised”

Silvio Braun, a 24-year-old student from Munich in Germany, is studying an MSc in Work & Organisational Psychology at the University of Limerick.

When he found out he had been awarded one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries, Silvio was really pleased, he says, “I instantly felt relieved and at the same time energised. The money will help me to focus on my studies more intensely and obtain outstanding marks, as well as soak up the Irish experience.”

Like most of our other bursary winners, Silvio came across the Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries when doing some research on Describing the site he says, “The website is very informative for both people that have no clue about their postgraduate studies as well individuals that have a very clear idea of what they want to do, as the information on the website is clearly structured and written in a very relatable manner for students.” 

Silvio has previously studied a BSc in Business Psychology as well as a BA in Business Administration in Germany. He then spent some time working for a large Munich-based multinational corporation before deciding to study the MSc in Work & Organisational Psychology at the University of Limerick. 

He chose this MSc program because he was drawn to the variety of classes taught in the program as he explains, “They are a great and interesting mix between classes that teach content on the organisational level such as ‘Organisation & Work Design’ as well the individual level such as ‘Psychology of Leadership & Change’.” Other reasons for his choice was because of the good accreditation of the Kemmy Business School and the fact that he wanted to study in English.

Silvio is very happy with his choice, enthusing, “I absolutely enjoy the masters and hardly a day of classes goes by without me taking lots of notes. My mind is constantly working and wondering how the course material can be applied to occupational and private life.”

As well as enjoying his course, Silvio also loves his surroundings, he explains, “The UL campus is absolutely gorgeous and provides countless opportunities to work out and be active; a factor I take advantage of as I am doing sports every day.” He continues, “I consider living in Limerick a gift and opportunity to grow; I have an apartment with a beautiful view of the Irish countryside counting more than 30 cows every day!” This view is very different to the ones he experiences in his hometown of Munich as he says, “It’s a great change coming from downtown Munich, a vibrant city with more than 1.4 million inhabitants. It feels good to count cows rather than people. The atmosphere helps me to focus on my studies and work, plus it enables me to think freely and feel truly happy and energised.” 

We’re glad to see that Silvio really is soaking tip the Irish experience!

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Lily Montford, MA in Visual Communication, UCA Canterbury

Bursary Winner LilyUniversity for the Creative Arts“It will give me the freedom to purchase the necessary art supplies to create and to throw myself into my work”

23-year-old Lily Montford is studying an MA in Visual Communication at the University for the Creative Arts in Canterbury (UCA Canterbury).

Lily was delighted when she found out she had won a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500, she says, “I feel incredibly grateful to be receiving a bursary and couldn't believe it at first!” Our financial award will play an important part in helping Lily achieve success in her art, as she explains, “Having £500 of my tuition paid off will alleviate some of my financial worries and give me freedom to travel and visit more galleries and art shows as research and inspiration for my work. It will give me the freedom to purchase the necessary art supplies to create and to throw myself into my work.”

The British student chose UCA Canterbury for her postgraduate studies because she previously studied her BA degree in Illustrations & Animation here, and had very much enjoyed the experience. She explains, “I like the atmosphere, everything feels friendly and welcoming, the tutors are helpful and the materials, equipment and visiting lecturers we have access too, make studying exciting.” She continues, “I like studying at a university focused on art-related subjects and being around other artists and creative people.”

Lily decided to study the MA in Visual Communication because it gives her the flexibility to study aspects of both illustration and graphic design, she explains, “I am passionate about following illustration as a career path.” And so far the decision is proving to be a success. “I am already greatly enjoying my course. I have been excited to get back into studying again, and to throw myself completely into art. I've been looking forward to developing my style, my skills, and learning more about myself through the work I create.”

Although Lily commutes to Canterbury for her studies rather than living there, she is a fan of the city. “I love the area. I think it's an amazing place to study a creative subject as the area is inspiring with beautiful scenery and buildings, and it also feels very welcoming to students.” She’s also a fan of our website, explaining, “I think it's very useful to have a site specifically catered to helping those looking to study a postgraduate degree. It's great to have all the information you could need in one place.”

Since graduating from her BA in Illustrations & Animation in summer 2018, Lily has been working part time whilst continuing to work on personal projects and commission work. She says, “I contributed work to gallery shows at Whitstable’s Gallery 64a and the Leyden Gallery in London.” And now she is a masters student in this field Lily should be able to achieve even more in the art world. It’s great to know that our bursary will enable Lily to broaden her research and hopefully exhibit at even more galleries, we’re really looking forward to following her career and seeing how she progresses as an artist.

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Mubanga Kalimamukwento, Master of Laws, University of Minnesota

Bursary Winner MubangaMinnesota Law"I am grateful for the bursary"

Mubanga Kalimamukwento is a 31-year-old Zambian student studying her LLM program at Minnesota Law in the United States.

Mubanga was surprised and pleased when she found out she’d been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500. She explains, “I was pleasantly surprised. The cost of studying in the US is huge compared to Zambia, so even the price of books sometimes takes me aback, but as I have learnt to say ‘drop by drop is the water pot filled’. I am grateful for the bursary.”

Her path to studying an LLM at Minnesota was a little different to the normal route as she was a Hubert H Humphrey Fellow in 2018/19 and placed at the University of Minnesota. Whilst she was studying here she chose to take a class on the American legal system at the last minute, and it was while she was studying this course that she was encouraged to go on to take the Master of Laws program. This didn't take much persuasion as she explains, “I loved the style of teaching and I believed I could excel in that setting.”

Mubanga's instincts proved to be right and she is pleased to report that she is really enjoying her LLM program to date, finding it to be the perfect fit with her future career plans. She explains, ”The course content has exceeded my expectations. This semester I am taking Immigration Law, Poverty Law, Criminal Procedure and Integrated Leadership, all of which fit in well with my career trajectory and my interest in Human Rights Law.” She continues, “I am especially enjoying my immigration law class because the lecturers often engage practitioners as well as the court system and I feel like that allows me to absorb the course content more.”

She has an undergraduate degree in law and her professional experience has been varied, ranging from civil litigation to human rights law and criminal law. Recently she has been writing short stories that have appeared in journals around the world, with her first novel winning the Dinnane Debut Fiction Prize (formerly the European Union Prize). She explains, “What my fictional writing reveals is that my passion lies in the illumination of marginalised experiences in the context of social justice.”

Mubanga is really enjoying living in Minnesota, explaining, “Compared to some other cities I’ve visited in the US, Minnesota now seems small. Being in the university area gives me a ‘cocoon-y’ feeling that reminds me of the sense of home that I will always love about Zambia.”

Finally, when we asked Mubanga what she thought about our website she was very complementary, enthusing, “It was so easy to use. As busy as postgraduate study is, all websites should be this easy.”

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Neil Wightwick, MBA, University of Strathclyde

Bursary Winner University of StrathclydeUniversity of Strathclyde“I really appreciate the help”

Neil Wightwick is studying an MBA at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

The 42-year-old British student was very happy when he found out he had been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary as he explains “The funding will plug a hole in my tuition fees finance and alleviate the stress that comes with trying to finance this type of course. I really appreciate the help.”

Neil decided to study an MBA program because he felt it would complement his current career in business management and help with his future career aspirations. He explains, “In the long term, my hope is that by attainting the MBA it will help me stand out at interviews to further progress my career. In the short term, already the course has given me a broad knowledge of business theory that is easily relatable to my practical experience.” And as well as being beneficial to Neil’s career, the MBA program is also proving to be very enjoyable, Neil continues, “I am really enjoying my studies. The best part of the MBA is meeting and working with peers from all industries from all around the world.”

He chose to study at the University of Strathclyde for his postgraduate studies because the MBA here has triple accreditation from AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB making it recognised and well regarded around the world. And he is very pleased that he made this choice, saying, “The university is recognised as Scotland premier business school and has an innovative and entrepreneurial feel.”

Neil’s also very happy with the university’s location and very much enjoys living in Glasgow, he enthuses, “Glasgow is a vibrant multi-cultural city with easy access to the great outdoors. Mountains, lakes, rivers and sea are all just a short journey from the city. I enjoy getting out into mountains and on to the sea so it is important for me to live somewhere that can provide these environments. The weather could be better though!”

Describing our website, Neil says, “It is a useful website when you are looking for the right course. Really easy to compare and get advice on everything from funding to studying abroad. Obviously it’s great for bursaries too!”

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Nuala Rooney, Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Nutrition,
University of Aberdeen

University of AberdeenBursary Winner Nuala“I was really thrilled to find out I won the bursary!”

Nuala Rooney is studying an online Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Aberdeen.

The 34-year old student from Ireland was both delighted and surprised when she found out she’d been awarded one of our coveted bursaries. She recalls, “I was really thrilled to find out I won the bursary. After I had applied I was soon busy with my studies so I had forgotten about it, when I got the email it was a lovely surprise! The £500 is a good chunk off the fees so this is a great help.

Nuala is studying her Postgraduate Cert in Clinical Nutrition as the first step towards studying an MSc in Clinical Nutrition next year. She says, “I chose the course because I wanted to be able to study part time for a masters.”

She initially explored the postgraduate options at the University of Aberdeen because a lecturer recommended their nutrition course whilst she was doing her undergraduate studies in Ireland. She was delighted when she found out that it was also delivered online which was the best option for her. “There are only a few nutrition courses in Ireland and none offered online as of yet.” She says, “It meant I could work and study at the same time, I wouldn’t have been able to make it work otherwise.”

Nuala can access the learning materials that she needs from home, day or night as she explains, “This is very helpful because it means I can work during the day and study in the evening and weekends, and I don’t need to worry about the cost of renting a place in Aberdeen either.” She is very impressed with the online facilities that the University of Aberdeen has to offer. She enthuses, “The online support is really good, lecturers respond really quickly to emails and the library has plenty of online versions of books I need which is really helpful when I can’t visit the library in person.” Speaking more about the teaching methods of her course she explains, “Right now I am working on an assignment delivered by video submission, I haven’t done one like this before so it’s fun to have a variety in the course assessment.”

Enjoying a long-term interest in nutrition and health, at 27 years old Nuala started college as a mature student studying a BSc in Sports Science and Health. She explains, “I have always had a keen interest in nutrition and health and wanted to be able to work in that field, hopefully to set up my own nutrition consultancy to help people make positive choices with food and hopefully improve their health. The two courses are very complimentary so I’m sure I can help people with the knowledge I have gained from both of these studies.”

Speaking about our website, Nuala says, “I like the website as a way to find the universities that offer courses in the area you are interested in, it saves so much time because you don’t have to use a search engine and visit each website individually.”

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Rebecca Barnes, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) PhD, Queen’s University Belfast

Bursary Winner Queen's University BelfastQueen's University Belfast“I feel so grateful and lucky to have been chosen for the Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary!”

Rebecca Barnes is a 31-year-old British PhD student studying her Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) PhD at Queen’s University Belfast via distance learning. 

Although she is studying her PhD on a distance learning basis whilst living and working in Somerset, Rebecca is planning to travel over to Belfast on a regular basis to meet with the other students, attend seminars and training, and use the fantastic resources that Queen’s University Belfast has to offer. And the great news is that our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500 will give her the additional funding she needs to be able to do this. 

Rebecca says, “I feel so grateful and lucky to have been chosen for the Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, as it will enable me to travel over to Belfast more frequently, by offsetting some of my course fees – which is just amazing!” She adds, “Belfast is such an amazing city and being able to study between my home in Somerset and at the university campus in Belfast really means I can have the best of both worlds!”

Her route through higher education has been somewhat different to the average student in the UK, as she studied both her undergraduate degree in Psychology and her masters degree in ABA on a distance learning basis whilst working full time. Rebecca had previously tried the more traditional route of on-campus study when she was younger, but found it just wasn’t quite the right fit for her. Describing the benefits of online study, she explains, “I’ve found distance learning to be the perfect option for me. Whilst at times it can be stressful and require a lot of time management and discipline, it has been great to develop my practical skills and theoretical knowledge in tandem, and both my work roles and studies have supported and complemented each other.” Rebecca continues, “The ability to study on a distance learning and part-time basis was part of the reason I chose to study my MSc at Queen’s, as well as their fantastic reputation for providing an approved course sequence in what is still quite a niche subject area.”

Speaking about her choice of subject for postgraduate study, Rebecca says, “ABA is essentially the science of behaviour and like many others in this field, I got into it through my work with children and young people with autism. However, the work that I did within my masters dissertation, and which I plan to continue through my PhD research, is looking at applying the underpinning theories and practical strategies used within ABA to stroke patients, within stroke rehabilitation programs. This is an emerging area of study and I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to do this whilst at Queen’s, and to be part of such an incredible research team with the support of some great supervisors and fellow students.”

We asked Rebecca what she thought of our website and the services we provide for postgraduate students. She enthuses, “I have only recently discovered, after being recommended it by a friend, but I’ve been so impressed by the website, it really is such a comprehensive one-stop shop to find out anything and everything regarding postgraduate study!” 

Rebecca continues, “I know how overwhelming it can be making all the big decisions regarding which type of course you want to do, where you want to do it, and working out if you can manage everything. I think the Postgrad website makes that all so much easier. It’s especially great to have somewhere that has all the up-to-date information in the ever-changing world of postgraduate student finance and funding options, and the ability to signpost you to the most current information is invaluable. It’s definitely a resource I’m going to be utilising more and more now I’ve discovered it, as well as recommending it to my fellow students. Thank you again for the bursary!”

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Talent Makunura, MSc in Finance, Investment & Risk, University of Kent

Bursary Winner TalentUniversity of Kent“I was beyond thrilled to find out I had won one of the 15 bursaries from Postgrad Solutions!”

Talent Makunura is a 25-year-old Zimbabwean student studying an MSc in Finance, Investment & Risk at the University of Kent.

When Talent found out that she was a lucky recipient of one of our coveted Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500, she was over the moon, saying, “I was beyond thrilled to find out I had won one of the 15 bursaries from Postgrad Solutions. When someone takes a chance with you, it’s a blessing, it motivates you to want to do more so you can have something to show for it, this is what this bursary is for me, a motivator!” Further explaining her feelings on receiving the financial award she explains, “It takes the pressure off, financially so you get to focus on a dream that would otherwise be impossible without help.”

Talent is really enjoying her MSC program so far, enthusing, “This program excites me, challenges me and I learn new things every day, it’s never a dull moment in the finance world!” She continues, “Personally the course encourages me to think outside the box which is a challenge someone like me can use and which ultimately gives me a strong sense of ownership.“ 

She chose to do her postgraduate studies at the University of Kent because of its reputation as one of the best academic institutions, as well as its TEF Gold in teaching, and she has not been disappointed. She says, ”I knew I was going to get the best and so far this is what I have got. The support I have been given both academically and personally is second to none.” And what about the experience at Kent outside of academia? Talent says, “There is cultural diversity and I blended in seamlessly. The extracurricular activities I have participated in so far have been very informative and tailored to each and every one of our needs and I can safely say I wouldn’t have chosen a better school.”

Talent also has nothing but positive things to say about her new hometown, enthusing, “Staying in Kent for me has been a good experience. Canterbury is one of the most beautiful historic cities in Kent and as I stroll back and forth in the streets of Canterbury I feel like I’m on vacation, it’s that vibrant.”

Finally, we asked Talent what she thought about our website and the invaluable service that we provide to postgraduate students and were delighted with her enthusiastic response. She says, “Thanks to for being a part of my journey. The information is very comprehensive and insightful and well-tailored to meet the needs of all students, it’s like a one stop shop, you never have to look anywhere else.”

We are very pleased to have been part of Talent’s journey so far and wish her every success for the future!

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Samantha Cox, MSc Public Policy and Management, University of Glasgow

Postgrad Solutions Bursary WinnerUniversity of Glasgow“I was absolutely stoked to find out I had been awarded £500!” 

Samantha Cox is a 24-year-old Canadian student studying an MSc Public Policy and Management at the University of Glasgow.

Samantha was really pleased when she heard the news that she was one of the lucky winners of our prestigious Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500 each, saying, “I was absolutely stoked to find out I had been awarded the £500! To be completely honest, I forgot I had even applied for it so it was a very pleasant surprise.” And the icing on the cake? “I also found out on what would have been Thanksgiving Monday in Canada and that made it extra special!”

She chose to study this particular MSc because she wanted to gain international policy experience at a world-renowned school. She explains, “I chose the University of Glasgow for its strong courses and because they consider Public Policy and Management a professional degree, which affords me so many unique opportunities through the Adam Smith Business School that I would not get elsewhere.”

In fact, Samantha used to help her decide on the University of Glasgow for her postgraduate studies. She says, “ is where I began all of my research when considering, not only a postgraduate degree, but doing one overseas. It was an invaluable resource throughout the entire process and I encourage everyone to check it out.”

So far Samantha is really enjoying her course, with her personal highlight being the wonderful friends she’s already made who she says are just as passionate about policy as she is! Her academic path has been influenced by her undergraduate degree – also in Public Policy – which she gained from Carleton University in Ottawa, she explains, “Living in a city that is the political and policy heartbeat of a country is a very cool experience and definitely inspired my love of policy.” So how does she feel about the new city she’s now calling home? “I love living in Glasgow! There is always something to do or experience. It is a very vibrant city and I am stoked to spend the next year exploring it!” 

Finally, when we asked Samantha if she had anything else to add we were very pleased with her response, “I love the website!” 

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James McLean, MPhil Modern Irish History, Trinity College Dublin

Bursary Winner Trinity College Dublin“I was ecstatic and relieved at the same time!”

23-year-old James McLean is a British/Irish student studying an MPhil in Modern Irish History at Trinity College Dublin.

James was delighted when he found out he’d won a coveted Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500, exclaiming, “I felt ecstatic and relieved at the same time! I had never won anything like this before and once the excitement of that died down, I felt a relief come over me that at least some of the financial stress had been alleviated.” He continues, “Navigating the financial side of postgraduate life can be just as challenging as the study itself and goes a long way at helping students with this.”

James chose to study his MPhil at Trinity College Dublin because it is one of the premier schools of Irish history in the world. He was also keen to live in Dublin and experience life in the Republic of Ireland, having spent his life to date living in Northern Ireland and England. And so far Dublin is living up to his expectations as he explains, “I enjoy that the great intellectual and creative minds of the world, and not just in the field of Irish history, flock to Dublin. In turn this allows me to experience and feel part of a flow of ideas that inspires my own studies and personal pursuits.”

Although James’ academic path has been forged over the course of a lifetime, it has really only been refined over the past six years, when his lifelong love of history began to mould itself into a love of Irish history under the tutelage of a particularly inspiring schoolteacher and noted Irish historian Dr Russell Rees. James then went on to specialise in Irish history in his dissertation in the third year of his degree at the University of East Anglia, and now of course he is further specialising with this masters program.

Speaking about his choice of postgraduate program James says, “I undertook the study of this course to further my understanding of the complexities of the island on which I live in these turbulent political times.” And he is really enjoyed his course so far, with highlights to date being the conferences held with external speakers discussing various topics. He elaborates, “Many of these speakers were witness to the history they are focusing on, which for me really brings it to life!”

Finally, James is keen to promote the use of to other students, explaining, “I think provides an invaluable tool to any undergraduate or postgraduate student who has questions relating to academic life.” 

We’re so glad we were able to help you James!

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Rowan Roberts, LLM in Legal Practice Course, Nottingham Trent University

Nottingham Trent University“I was surprised to be informed that I had been awarded the £500”

23-year-old British student Rowan Roberts is studying his LLM in Legal Practice Course at Nottingham Trent University.

Rowan was really surprised when he found out that he’d been awarded one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries. He recalls, “I was surprised to be informed that I had been awarded the £500 as it was not something I had expected.”

He chose to study this postgraduate program because he has a keen interest in studying law and wants to see where it could take him. He explains, “I’ve had an interest in studying law due to the different fields and routes which are available to me and prospects available from having such a qualification.”

The postgrad student is thoroughly enjoying his course so far, he explains, “Despite being intense I am enjoying the course and learning how to adapt to the workload that comes with a masters.”

Rowan chose Nottingham Trent University to study his LLM course as he had previously attended the university as an undergraduate student and felt this was the best option for him. He says, “I like Nottingham due to it being a small city with everything here being easily accessible. The university and facilities are within walking distance so travelling is quite straightforward.”

Finally we asked Rowan what he thought of our website and he was very positive about the help we provide for potential postgraduate students worldwide. Describing the site he says, “There is a lot of information on this website which definitely helps people when making difficult decisions regarding studying a masters.”

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