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Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary Winners 2020

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Ffion Renney , PGCE Primary, Wrexham Glyndŵr University

Bursary Winner FfionWrexham Glyndwr University“I felt so grateful to have been given the award”

23-year-old Ffion Renney is studying a PGCE Primary at Wrexham Glyndŵr University.

When Ffion first received the email giving her the good news that she was a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary Winner 2020, she says she had to check it wasn't a scam! Once she had been assured that she was the lucky recipient of a £500 bursary she was delighted, explaining, “I couldn't believe it, I felt so grateful to have been given the award.“ 

The Welsh student decided to study a PGCE having been inspired to become a teacher from an early age. She is really enjoying the course, saying, “So far on the course I am enjoying the experience I have had working out on placement. I loved working in a foundation phase classroom and learnt so much every single day and I am excited to graduate so I can have my very own classroom one day.” She continues, “I love working with children and no day is the same – I feel excited when teaching in a classroom.”

Before embarking on postgraduate studies Ffion studied an undergraduate degree in Early Childhood and Education, and she has found this to be hugely relevant for the PGCE course. In addition to this, Ffion also worked as a teaching assistant for two years and this gave her the confidence to study the PGCE course. Ffion chose Glyndŵr for her PGCE studies because it has a good reputation and at just 50 minutes away from her home, it is also her local university.

Speaking about Ffion says, “I think the website is a brilliant tool for students as it gives a huge variety of information and support for student who are thinking of studying in the UK or abroad.” 

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Gemma Capparelli, Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies,
Mary Immaculate College

Bursary winner GemmaMary Immaculate College“I couldn't believe it – it could not have come at a better time!”

Gemma Capparelli, 38, is studying a Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies at Mary Immaculate College (MIC) in Ireland.

Gemma was thrilled when she found out she’d been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500, explaining, “I couldn't believe it – it could not have come at a better time!” Explaining her current financial circumstances, she elaborates, “I have not been working as much because of Covid-19 and saving up for my next fees (due in January) was beginning to stress me out. After winning I felt more confident in my decision to return to education especially after such a long time.”

Speaking about our website, Gemma says, “The website is great!” She continues, “Before investigating postgrad courses I didn't think I had many options especially as my original degree is so different to my line of work. It is great to see many universities are providing online courses now.”

Gemma chose MIC for her postgraduate studies because the college collaborates with Middletown Autism Centre for Autism, which is where she first saw the course advertised. Open to family members who care for autistic people as well as professionals, the Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies appealed to Gemma, partly because she is a mother of a child with autism. She explains, “I feel that this kind of collaboration, which is inclusive of autistic voices, is the way forward not just for research but for future community inclusion.”

Discussing her interest in autism further, Gemma explains, “I have been working with young people and adults with disabilities for approximately ten years and my son was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. I felt I needed to back up my working experience with academics to expand my understanding and knowledge of the world of autism.”

The postgraduate student is delighted with her choice of program, enthusing, “The course is exactly what I had hoped for and more. Having personal and professional experience of autism really helps put the pieces together when discussing different theories and perspectives. She continues, “The highlight for me so far has been the online learning experience; everything you need to succeed is online and provided by the excellent and supportive tutors and staff.”

Gemma lives in Belfast and participates in much of her postgraduate course online, with in-person sessions taking place at Dublin and at MIC on a monthly basis, locations that she can easily drive to. However, due to the current situation as a result of the pandemic – as with many other postgraduate courses – currently all of Gemma’s teaching is taking place online.

Gemma is originally from an arts background and has an undergraduate degree in Theatre and Film Studies from Roehampton University. It was during a summer break that she became interested in working with people with disabilities as she worked for a Camp America program with young adults with disabilities. She then went on to work in residential homes during her undergraduate university years, further building on this area of interest. Speaking about her career plans for the future using her previous qualification, work experiences and current PG course, Gemma explains, “After my son was born and later diagnosed with Autism, I began volunteering in recreation programs for adults with disabilities, this led to a job. I then moved into Further Education working with young adults with disabilities. I hope to stay in Further Education and at some point hopefully incorporate my arts background to host workshops.”

We’re very pleased to have played a part in helping Gemma fund her studies and continue on the path to such an invaluable and rewarding career.

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Georgia Flint, School Direct Primary PGCE, University of Winchester

Bursary winner GeorgiaUniversity of Winchester“It’s a really good feeling!”

Georgia Flint is a 22-year-old British student studying a School Direct Primary PGCE at the University of Winchester.

Georgia was shocked and delighted when she found out she had been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500, explaining, “I honestly didn’t believe the email – I thought it was fake!” She continues, “I am not sure why but I was so surprised to be selected. It’s a really good feeling.”

Describing her course so far, Georgia has nothing but good to say, explaining, “I am absolutely loving it – I spend Monday to Thursday teaching in Year 4 and I can say I’ve never had a day that is the same. Every single day is different and they keep me on my toes! I’ve re-learnt stuff from my primary school days and I really enjoy reading to them, we have a class book and read a section every afternoon before home time. My favourite moments are when you see one of your students suddenly get what you’re explaining – the lightbulb moments!”

Georgia has nothing but good things to say about, enthusing, “It is essentially the go-to place for postgraduate study. There are so many options and puts them into easy to access webpages.” She continues, “The insights from current students are invaluable – I have read many ‘Day in the Life’ articles because they give you the true information that university webpages sometimes don’t have.”

She chose the University of Winchester for her postgraduate studies because it is affiliated with lots of School Direct programs – which is what she wanted to study instead of just opting for a PGCE – she had also heard good things about the education department at Winchester from previous students. She says, “I have always liked finding ways to explain things and I love working with young children. I wanted to have the opportunity to make school fun and enjoyable whilst encouraging them to love learning! The School Direct route was perfect as I spend 80% of my week in school being the class teacher and have one day a week to study.”

Speaking about her university experience Georgia says, “I currently live at home, which is about 45 minutes away from the university, but during Covid we have been taught via online learning anyway which has been done really well.” She continues, “Learning in the comfort of your own home is nice. However, I have been to Winchester and I love it, it reminds me of Chichester where I did my undergraduate degree – so much history and beautiful scenery.“

Describing the route to her current postgraduate course and career path Georgia actually studied a few things in her education career, as she explains, “Initially I wanted to be a children’s nurse and studied at Southampton for a year going into the community and working in hospitals on children’s wards. After the year I realised I wanted to focus more on the wellbeing side of children’s mental health and loved A-level Psychology at college. I then got accepted onto a Psychology degree and studied that for three years and had the best time. I am a self-confessed Psychology nerd! From my degree I realised I could use what I had learned to help educate children and build their confidence in school, which led me to apply for a postgrad course. In the future I would love to go back to my psychology roots and maybe study for my Educational Psychologist Doctorate – but not quite yet…maybe in a few years!”

We look forward to finding out how Georgia’s career progresses over the next few years.

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Stacy Hooper, MSc Crime Intelligence and Data Analytics, Teesside University

Bursary winner StacyTeesside University“Finding out I won £500 brought a HUGE smile to my face!”

21-year-old Stacy Hooper is studying an MSc in Crime Intelligence and Data Analytics at Teesside University.

Stacy was delighted when she discovered she was the lucky winner of one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500. She explains, “Finding out I won £500 brought a HUGE smile to my face; this £500 will really aid me financially and support me in my career and study fees.” Stacy continues, “It feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders at such a difficult time for myself in this post-Covid world. I am eternally grateful to all who have given me this amazing opportunity. I will never forget your kindness!” 

She chose to study an MSc in Crime Intelligence and Data Analytics because digital intelligence of crime really interested her during her undergraduate studies, and she is pleased with her choice, saying, “I am enjoying this course thoroughly, as it allows me to really think outside the box; this course requires logic, mixed with interpretation and knowledge.” Stacy continues, “It really pulls me out of my comfort zone at times to be bolder, and often questions my opinions to bring out my analysis and explanatory skills.” 

Stacy chose Teesside University for her postgraduate studies after seeing the course advertised while studying her undergraduate degree there. She explains, “I always had an idea and route I wanted to travel in life, and as soon as I saw the advertisement, I ran in head first.“

Her highlights of the course so far are being able to analyse and study different software programs and being able to make her own data analysis reports on any topic she wants. She explains, “My highlights are definitely the times where I have free roam to play with all of the machines and software that are available in the field of Crime Scene Science (forensics, CSI, Digital Analyst, you name it!), or learning about new topics to broaden my knowledge.”

Stacy loves studying at Teesside University and has nothing but good things to say about the university. She enthuses, “The campus has some amazing facilities, such as a brand new refurbished library with plenty of books, a fantastic Students Union that goes above and beyond for students and who genuinely listen to students’ ideas and proposals for business ideas or events. Not to mention the amazing societies and clubs that are available for people; everything on campus really allowed me to break that wall of shyness, and enabled me to meet some of the most amazing best friends I can have. Living here has given me the best moments of my life!” 

She is also very impressed with the academics, explaining, “Teesside has such down to earth lecturers that really aided me in my times of stress, and never once failed to offer me further support. They teach from experience and ease your brain when you feel like you are being too hard on yourself.” She continues,  “I heard a lot of great things about the pass rates from Teesside University in the past, and that was also a bonus, but I was definitely persuaded with the course and the kindness of some of the most amazing lecturers I’ve had the privilege to learn beside.” 

Speaking about Stacy also has nothing but positive things to say, explaining, “ really is a useful website that truly cares about postgraduates such as myself. Offering aid like this really helps so many people who are struggling in their studies or their financial situations. They offer help, advice, and events which postgrads can get involved in – it is such a fantastic concept and I would recommend it to anybody!” 

Looking to the future, Stacy wants to work in digital fields of investigation and her ultimate ambition is to work for MI5 or as a CSI at the front lines of the investigation. She explains, “Regardless of which pathway I take with the aid of this course, I know I will finally be able to help people in doing my dream job I have been working for, for four years.” 

Good luck Stacy – we’re so pleased to have been able to help you achieve your academic goal.

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Jamie Parkes, MSc in Real Estate, Henley Business School

Bursary winner JamieHenley Business School“I was both delighted and relieved.”

Jamie Parkes is studying an MSc in Real Estate at Henley Business School at the University of Reading.

Jamie was very pleased when he found out he was a lucky recipient of a Postgrad solutions Study Bursary worth £500/ He explains, “When I found out that I had been awarded the £500 by Postgrad Solutions, I was both delighted and relieved at the same time.” He continues, “Masters courses are financially demanding, so I am hugely grateful to have been offered this bursary which eases my financial worries.”

This cash boost is not only helping Jamie fund his postgraduate studies, but he also feels it will play a big part in his future success as he explains, “To have been chosen from so many applications worldwide has been a real boost for my confidence in the run up to job hunting. It has also helped me to focus on my studies rather than worry about my finances." Jamie continues, "In my opinion Postgrad Solutions is an amazing resource for undergrads planning their next step in formal education.”

Speaking about his choice of PG institution, Jamie says, “The Henley Business School is highly regarded as one of the best places to study Real Estate in the UK and I was very pleased to be awarded a place.” He is really enjoying his postgraduate course and studying at Reading and says about his area of interest, “What I love about the world of property is how it impacts everyone’s daily life, from where you live, to where you work, shop, exercise and socialise. A personal highlight on the course for me has been meeting and networking with other young professionals who are also starting their careers in property. My hope is that this course will help me gain a long and rewarding career where I can make a positive contribution with an industry-leader.”

Jamie has been interested in property from an early age, deciding when he was still at school that working as a Chartered Surveyor could be a suitable career for him. This interest was further cemented when he was studying his bachelors degree. He says, ”During my undergraduate Geography studies I identified the MSc as both my best route into the industry and a great way to develop a solid foundation of knowledge.”

It’s great to see Jamie following his passions and pursuing a lifelong passion by studying his MSc in Real Estate.

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Alice Tucker, MA Human Rights, University of Manchester

University of ManchesterBursary winner Alice“I was shocked but extremely grateful.”

Alice Tucker is a 21-year-old British student studying an MA in Human Rights (Law/Political Science) at the University of Manchester.

Alice experienced a whole range of emotions when she discovered she was being awarded one of our bursaries, saying, “I was shocked but extremely grateful. Masters degrees are very difficult to fund and I was working two part-time jobs during the final year of my undergraduate degree to save up for this. Even with those savings, I am constantly thinking about how I will make my money last. Having this bursary will definitely remove that pressure for me so that I can focus on studying for my degree.”

As well as helping Alice fund her postgraduate studies, we were delighted to find out that we also helped Alice embark on her postgraduate journey in the first place, as she explains, “ is a tool I personally used all the time when searching for the right masters course for me. It’s a great tool for any student looking towards their next steps.”

Following her research into her postgraduate options on Alice chose the University of Manchester because it has a great reputation, both as a university and for her PG course in particular. She says, “Studying human rights here has allowed me to learn from inspiring teachers who have experience working in a range of influential organisations and can help me to achieve the same success. They have already given me incredibly valuable support and I am excited to continue learning from them throughout the course.”

Alice became interested in human rights after gaining her undergraduate degree in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics at the University of Birmingham and then spending a summer as a researcher for a project on problems faced by women and religious minorities as refugees. She says, “This subject area fascinated me, and my experience working on this project really made me realise my passion for human rights.”

It was this passion that led to her choice of masters course, which to date she is very much enjoying. She enthuses, “I am really enjoying my course so far. For me, the highlight is studying a diverse range of fascinating topics. It is really rewarding to be writing essays on issues such as the role of gender within politics and whether ethics can exist within the realm of international politics. I can already see how my academic writing and analysis skills have improved since starting this course, which is very satisfying. I look forward to learning more about the intricacies of human rights law, as this will be invaluable knowledge for my future career.”

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic Alice is yet to be able to make the most of what the city of Manchester has to offer. She says, “Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to explore much of the city of Manchester so far due to the restrictions currently in place, but I have managed to fall in love with it anyway. Even though it is a very urban area, there are loads of hidden green spaces and parks, which are really useful when I need a break from my laptop screen.”

Hopefully Alice will be able to get out and explore the city properly soon!

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Leonnie Wyman, LLM Legal Practice Course, University of Wolverhampton

Bursary winner LeonnieUniversity of Wolverhampton“This bursary will definitely ease some financial stress that comes with student life!”

Leonnie Wyman is studying an LLM Legal Practice Course via distance learning at the University of Wolverhampton.

The 24-year-old British student was delighted when she heard the news that she was receiving one of our £500 Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries, although it did come as a bit of a surprise! She describes her feelings at the time, saying, “I was quite shocked but it is very appreciated and it will definitely ease some financial stress that comes with student life.”

Speaking about our website Leonnie enthuses, “ is a very useful tool for those who are considering undertaking postgraduate courses, the website has a lot of tools and aspects to it that help students make their decision regarding what path to take next in their studies.”

Despite the fact that Leonnie is studying her LLM LPC via distance learning, she chose the University of Wolverhampton for her PG studies because it is close to her home and easy for her to commute to if need be. This is particularly important as she is also working part time whilst studying.

Before becoming a postgraduate student, Leonnie successfully completed an undergraduate degree in law where she achieved a First Class Honours degree. She explains, “The LPC was the natural path for me to take after studying this and the skills and knowledge that I acquired during my degree compliments my postgraduate diploma.”

Once she finishes her LLM, Leonnie wants to pursue a career as a solicitor and the LLM is a great route to achieving this goal, and one that she is enjoying. She explains, “I have completed the LPC aspect of this course which was difficult but I did enjoy it. My highlight to date about this course is that I was awarded with 'highest overall achiever' for the LPC aspect of the course based upon my grades from my final exams.”

Good luck with the rest of your course Leonnie!

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Sarah Redrup, MA in Illustration, Falmouth University

Bursary Winner SarahFalmouth University“I was absolutely over the moon to hear that I had been awarded £500!”

Sarah Redrup is studying an MA in Illustration at Falmouth University.

The 26-year-old British student was thrilled when she discovered she was the deserving recipient of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500. Sarah explains, “I was absolutely over the moon to hear that I had been awarded £500! As I don't work digitally when I create art, I can get through quite a lot of pens, paint and paper, so the money will help me to update and refresh my art equipment. It can be very costly to buy the right paints and pens, but with the right equipment I can create beautiful work.” 

Sarah has decided to study her MA in Illustration to progress her career. After completing an undergraduate degree in Politics and Philosophy and working for four years in various roles, she moved back home to the Isle of Wight to work in her family’s business. It was while working here that she realised that it was time for a career change. “I kept gravitating towards the creative jobs in the business and soon I was responsible for all marketing efforts. I've always loved making art and finding interesting ways to communicate things, it's cathartic and empowering. I decided I wanted to professionalise my art and turn it into something that I could make a living from.” 

Falmouth University is a great choice for budding artists as it has a fantastic reputation for the creative industries. However, despite finding the campus to be friendly and welcoming, Sarah felt unsure about relocating to Falmouth because she wanted to continue working in her family's business. Luckily, thanks to Falmouth Flexible – the University of Falmouth’s distance learning initiative – Sarah now has the best of both worlds. Sarah found out about Falmouth Flexible when researching her postgraduate options on, as she explains. “I was trying to find out what my options were as I was reluctant to relocate. It was easy to search for courses [on] and with a dropdown box for the type of attendance I could filter out the courses to find the perfect one.” She continues, “There is also a whole section dedicated toward online study advice which proved very helpful for me. As we see more universities heading towards online teaching, resources like this will prove invaluable.” 

Online study has certainly proved to be the ideal choice for Sarah. She enthuses, “I love that I am able to access world-class teaching without having to relocate elsewhere. I work alongside my whole family in our family bakery and I was reluctant to leave. With Falmouth Flexible I was able to continue working full time and live close to my family. It's very rare to find courses in the creative arts offered online as they are usually considered to be very hands-on subjects, but Falmouth Flexible have done a really fantastic job at making the Illustration course work so well online.”

And any fears that Sarah had about missing out on elements of her learning experience due to studying online were quickly quashed. “I was worried at first that I would miss out on what I considered to be key aspects of a creative course such as access to studio space and meeting other students in person. However, because all the students are learning online it means that the community is very tight knit, we have group chats, WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups and organise seminars to teach new skills to one another.” 

Sarah is really enjoying her MA in Illustration at Falmouth University, in fact, to put it in her own words, “It has exceeded my expectations, it has challenged me to think critically about my art work and opened my eyes to how versatile Illustration as a practice can be.” She continues, “A personal highlight for me so far is that as part of the course my tutors interviewed one of my favourite Illustrators, Laura Callaghan. It was really inspiring to hear her talk about her practice. I also love being surrounded by creative people. I really enjoy seeing what my course mates produce, it's fascinating to see how their ideas and skills develop and grow.” 

We are so pleased to have played a part in helping Sarah discover her online postgraduate program and help her fund it, too!

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Ross Montgomery, MSc Psychological Studies, University of Glasgow

University of GlasgowBursary winner Ross Montgomery“I’m very grateful for the support.”

Ross Montgomery is a 27-year-old student studying an MSc in Psychological Studies at the University of Glasgow.

The Scottish student chose this postgraduate course because of his desire to understand the fundamentals of psychology before going on to study a counseling diploma, and it’s a decision he’s very pleased with as he explains.

“I am really enjoying my course so far,” enthuses Ross. “I’ve loved the blend of modules. There is a very strong historical aspect to the course, intertwined with modern physiological findings. It also enables the students to form a solid foundation in research methods.”

Prior to becoming a masters student, Ross studied music at the Royal College of Music and Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. It was during these studies that he became interested in performance-related anxieties, a field of interest that he is now pursuing in his postgraduate studies. Ross chose to study at the University of Glasgow because of its UK-leading Education and Psychology departments.

Ross describes as “a really invaluable international resource” and was delighted to be awarded one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500. Speaking about his financial award he says, “It’s such a helpful weight off my mind, being a freelance musician/student in the current climate. I’m very grateful for the support.”

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Mohammad Abdollahi, PhD in Operational Research, University of Essex

Bursary Winner MohammedUniversity of Essex“It was good news and exciting – I was overwhelmed with joy for a whole day!”

Mohammad Abdollahi is studying a PhD in Operational Research at the University of Essex.

The 35-year-old Iranian student was delighted when he found out he’d been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500. As an international student coming to the UK with his wife and two children, it has proved to be an invaluable funding resource as he explains.

“My PhD course is partly funded by the University of Essex, but due to the unforeseen circumstances of Covid-19, plus my situation of coming to the UK with my family, covering all of my family expenses and my tuition fees with a partly funded scholarship has become an everyday concern.” Mohammad continues, “Then I received an email from Postgrad Solutions congratulating me for winning £500. Cheers! It was good news and exciting – I was overwhelmed with joy for a whole day. Thank you, Postgrad Solutions!”

Describing his postgraduate studies Mohammad says, “I am studying PhD in Operational Research with the supervision of two faculty members of the Mathematics and Computer Science departments at the University of Essex, which means I can communicate and gain experience from two important domains of research.”

Before he started his PhD in Operational Research, Mohammad studied a masters degree which was involved in theoretical research and this led to his desire to conduct research into business and industrial applications. He explains, “To materialise my academic dreams I did a wide range of searches on different projects and luckily the project at the University of Essex was the one I was seeking. The project aims at developing delivery services with artificial intelligence to protect the environment, maximising the profit of companies and minimising fuel consumption.”

When asked about our website,, Mohammad was full of praise, saying, “ seeks to encourage those interested in postgraduate education to play its role in the promotion of education in the best way!”

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