Online Postgraduate Courses in Art in England - 69 Courses
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- History of Art Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- History of Art Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Socially Engaged Practice in Museums and Galleries, by distance learning MA MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design (MIRIAD)

- Art and Design (by publication route two) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Cosmetic Enterprise and Innovation Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Fashion Analytics and Forecasting MSc
- Fashion Artefact MA
- Fashion Design Technology Graduate Diploma - Grad Dip
- Fashion Management Graduate Diploma - Grad Dip
- Strategic Fashion Marketing MA
- Arts - MPhil Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Fine Art (Online) MA PgDip (Initial Qualification)
- Illustration (Online) PgDip (Initial Qualification)
- Illustration (online) MA
- Illustration MA (online) MA
- All Doctorates at Huddersfield Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- MA by Research at Huddersfield MA (Res)
- MSc by Research at Huddersfield MSc (Res)
- Master of Arts in Law (MA Law Conversion) Master of Arts - MA (PG)
- Master of Arts in Law (MA Law SQE1) Master of Arts - MA (PG)
- Interdisciplinary Problems and Methods Master of Arts and Science (MASc)
Loughborough University
Loughborough University
- Storytelling MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
Open University
Open University
The Open University
- Art History (F33) MA
- Humanities (C20) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Creative Education MEd Master of Education - MEd
SAE Institute
SAE Institute
Creative Practice
- MPhil/PhD with the Warburg Institute Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
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