Postgraduate Research Courses in Administration - 77 Courses
- Local Government Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Public Administration and Policy Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Health Services Management Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Health Services Management Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Local Government and Public Policy PhD with Integrated Study
- PhD - Bournemouth University Business School Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Management PhD with Integrated Study
- Management and Organisation Masters in Research (MRes)
- Politics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Doctor of Business Administration Doctoral Programme
- Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Geography Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
Northern Ireland
Queen's University Belfast
Queen's University Belfast
School of Arts, English and Languages

- Arts Management and Cultural Policy Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Postgraduate Research in Business, Enterprise and Management Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Healthcare Management Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- PhD - Aston Business School Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
University of Dundee
University of Dundee
School of Business
- Accounting and Finance PhD Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Business Administration (Professional Doctorate) DProf DProf
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- Attendance:
- All attendance types
- Full time
- Part time
- Online / distance learning
- Short / block course