Postgraduate Courses in Music - 1124 Courses
- Ethnology and Folklore MLitt
- Music Master of Music - MMus
- Music (Secondary PGCE) Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
- Music with ODA - PGCE Secondary (leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status) Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
- Composition and Sonic Art Master of Music - MMus
- Music Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA Master of Music - MMus Master of Philosophy - MPhil Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Music Education Diploma MA
- Performance MMus (Perf) Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University
PGCE courses

- Music Performance Practice Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Musical Composition Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Musicology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Music (Choral Conducting pathway) MA
- Music (Composition Pathway) MA
- Music (Mixed Composition Pathway) MA
- Music (Musicology and Sound Studies pathway) MA
- Music (Musicology pathway) MA
- Music (Performance pathway) MA
- Music Performance Practice Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Musical Composition Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Musicology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- PGCE Secondary Music Professional Graduate Certificate in Education - PGCE (Professional)
- Master of Music Master of Music - MMus
- International Music Management Master of Arts or Master of Science - MA/MSc
- International Music Management (with Integrated International Pre-Masters) Master of Arts - MA (PG) Master of Arts or Master of Science - MA/MSc
Republic of Ireland
University College Dublin
University College Dublin
UCD School of Music

- Music & Culture Master of Music - MMus
Durham University
Durham University

- Contemporary Performance Practices MA
- Sound and Music for Games MA Master of Fine Arts - MFA (PG)
- Sound and Music for Media MA Master of Fine Arts - MFA (PG)
- Sound and Music for Performance MA Master of Fine Arts - MFA (PG)
- Sound and Music for Production MA Master of Fine Arts - MFA (PG)
- Sound and Music for Theatre MA Master of Fine Arts - MFA (PG)
- Acoustics and Music Technology MSc
- Composition MMus (Comp)
- Creative Music Practice Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Music Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Musical Composition Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Musicology Master of Music - MMus
- Sound Design MSc (Res)