Postgraduate Courses in Engineering - 3419 Courses
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UCL (University College London)
Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction

Featured listing
UCL (University College London)
Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

- Civil Engineering Graduate Diploma - Grad Dip MSc
- Civil Engineering (with Fluids) MSc
- Civil Engineering (with Infrastructure Planning) MSc
- Civil Engineering (with Integrated Design) MSc
- Civil Engineering (with Railways) MSc
- Civil Engineering (with Seismic Design) MSc
- Civil Engineering (with Structures) MSc
- Civil Engineering (with Transport) MSc
- Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Earthquake Engineering with Disaster Management MSc
- Engineering for International Development MSc
- Environmental Systems Engineering MSc
- Fire Safe Design Master of Architecture - MArch
University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen
Business School

- Energy Economics and Finance MSc (Econ)
- Energy Economics and Finance (Online) MSc
- Energy Economics and Law LLM Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance MSc (Econ)
- Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc
- Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc
- Advanced Structural Engineering MSc
- Biomedical Engineering MSc
- Decommissioning MSc
- Decommissioning (Online) MSc
- Industrial Robotics Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Offshore Engineering MSc
- Offshore Engineering (Online) MSc
- Oil and Gas Engineering MSc
- Oil and Gas Engineering (Online) MSc
- Petroleum Engineering MSc
- Petroleum Engineering (Online) MSc
- Process Safety MSc
- Process Safety (Online) MSc
- Renewable Energy Engineering MSc
- Renewable Energy Engineering (Online) MSc
- Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Safety and Reliability Engineering MSc
- Safety and Reliability Engineering (Online) MSc
- Subsea Engineering MSc
- Subsea Engineering (Online) MSc
- Subsurface Energy Engineering MSc
- Subsurface Energy Engineering (Online) MSc
- Sustainable Product, Process and Energy Engineering Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Sustainable Product, Process and Energy Engineering (Online) Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management MLitt
- Music Master of Music - MMus
University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen
School of Law

- Engineering Management MBA Master of Science (Hons)
- Space Engineering Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Wireless Communications and Radio Frequency Systems Engineering MSc
- Advanced Data Science Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Broadband and Optical Communications MSc
- Electronic Engineering MSc Master of Research - MRes
- Electronic Engineering (Optical Communications) Master of Research - MRes
- Laser Micromachining and Laboratory-on-a-Chip Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Optical Communications Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Optoelectronics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Organic Electronics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Architectural Engineering (Environmental Design) MSc
- Civil Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Civil Engineering Practice-led Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Chemical Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Environmental Engineering MSc
- Artificial Intelligence for Engineering and Design MSc
- Artificial Intelligence for Engineering and Design with professional placement MSc
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems including optional three-month placement MSc
- Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems Centre for Doctoral Training (AAPS) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Automotive Engineering with Business Management MSc
- Automotive Engineering with Electric Propulsion MSc
- Automotive Technology MSc
- Automotive Technology with Business Management MSc
- Decarbonisation MSc
- Mechanical Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
University of Bath
University of Bath

- Advanced Engineering Management (with Specialist Pathways) MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management: Construction Management MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management: Operations Management MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management: Project Management MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management: Systems Management MSc
- Civil Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Civil Engineering and Management MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Geotechnical Engineering MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Railway Systems Engineering and Integration MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Road Management and Engineering MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Structural Engineering MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering, School of Engineering

- Communications Engineering MSc
- Electrical Power Systems MSc
- Electrical Power Systems with Advanced Research MSc
- Electronic and Computer Engineering MSc
- Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
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