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Chemical engineering

Chemical Engineering is an engineering branch which deals with the design, operation and construction of machines and plants that help to perform chemical reactions with an end result of helping solve problems or make products that will be useful. Explore 122 postgrad programs in Chemical Engineering.

Civil engineering


Clinical science

Clinical Science is a combination of medicine, chemistry, biology and experimental science, and tends involve laboratory work, such as testing, evaluating, detecting and analysing cells, blood or bodily fluids. Explore over 150 postgraduate courses in Clinical Science.
Communication engineering

Communication Engineering programs study the various principles of communication systems, such as optical fibre, satellite and cellular communications as well as computer networks. Explore 89 postgraduate courses in Communication Engineering.
Communication studies

Computer engineering

Computer Engineering programs will focus on both sides of the industry, giving students a comprehensive understanding of both hardware and software. Areas studied will usually include digital design, gaming, natural language processing and image analysis. Explore 120 postgraduate courses in Computer Engineering.
Computer games

A postgraduate program in Computer Games will examine the computer gaming industry, looking at the technical, theoretical and practical aspects of computer game design. Explore 60 postgraduate courses in Computer Games.
Computer science


Construction Engineering

A Masters in Construction Engineering will include modules on project planning, infrastructure development, sustainable development, surveying, structure maintenance, advanced design, structural dynamics, and resource management.
Find out about our 15 courses in Construction Engineering.

Creative writing

A postgraduate course in Creative Writing will focus on your writing skills. Explore 285 postgraduate programs in Creative Writing, including courses in Screenwriting and Publishing.
Cyber Security

Postgraduate courses in Cyber Security will cover the theory and practice of designing and building secure IT systems, including a firm grounding in cryptography, network security and secure programming. Explore our 35 postgrad programs in Cyber Security.