Postgraduate Courses in Dentistry - 258 Courses
- Dental Materials Science MSc
- Dentistry Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Endodontics MSc
- Restorative Dentistry MSc
- Endodontology DClinDent
- Restorative Dentistry (Online Learning) MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip Professional Development Diploma
- Doctor of Dental Surgery DDS
- Orthodontics DClinDent
- Paediatric Dentistry DClinDent
- Prosthodontics DClinDent
- Conscious Sedation in Dentistry Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Dental Education Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Dentistry and Dental Sciences Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Restorative Dentistry MClinDent
- Medicine and Dentistry Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Clinical Oral Microbiology DClinDent
- Craniofacial Trauma Reconstruction Online MSc
- Dental Materials MSc
- Dental Public Health, Policy and Leadership Online MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Dental Science for Clinical Practice MSc
- Dental Technology MSc
- Endodontic Practice MSc
- Endodontics DClinDent
- Experimental Oral Pathology (Oral Sciences) MSc
- MD (Res) Institute of Dentistry Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Minimally Invasive Dentistry DClinDent MSc
- Oral Biology MSc
- Oral Medicine DClinDent
- Oral Surgery DClinDent
- Orthodontics DClinDent
- Paediatric Dentistry DClinDent
- Periodontology DClinDent
- PhD Institute of Dentistry (Clinical) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- PhD Institute of Dentistry (Non-Clinical) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Prosthodontics DClinDent
- Dentistry Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
University of Sussex
University of Sussex

- Dental Implant Reconstructive Surgery Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Conservative Dentistry MSc
- Eastman Dental Institute Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Eastman Dental Institute (Clinical Experience) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Endodontic Practice Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Endodontics MSc
- Endodontology MClinDent
- Endodontology (Advanced Training) MClinDent
- Implant Dentistry MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Orthodontics MClinDent
- Orthodontics (Advanced Training) MClinDent
- Paediatric Dentistry DChDent MSc
- Periodontology MClinDent
- Periodontology (Distance Learning) MSc
- Prosthodontics (Advanced Training) MClinDent
- Restorative Dental Practice MSc
- Special Care Dentistry MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
Aston University
Aston University
School of Optometry
- Advanced Dental Implantology Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Dental Education MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Dental Law and Ethics MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Clinical Oral Surgery Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Dental Implantology MSc
- Oral Medicine MSc
- Oral and Dental Sciences Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Orthodontic Therapy Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Orthodontics DDS
- Periodontology MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Dental Technology MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
University of Dundee
University of Dundee
School of Dentistry
- Dental Public Health PGDip Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Dentistry (Professional Doctorate) DProf Professional Doctorate
- Dentistry (non-clinical) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MDSc (Res)
- Dentistry (non-clinical) (Part-Time) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MDSc (Res)
- Dentistry (non-graduating) (research) Postgraduate Credits
- Dentistry (with clinical component) 4 Year Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Dentistry (with clinical component) 4 Year (Part-Time) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Dentistry (with clinical component) 5 Year Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Endodontics (DClinDent) DClinDent
- Forensic Dentistry (MSc) MSc
- Forensic Odontology (MFOdont) MFOdont
- Forensic and Legal Odontology (MSc) Part Time MSc
- Forensic and Legal Odontology (PGCert) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Forensic and Legal Odontology (PGDip) Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Master of Dental Public Health (MDPH) MDPH
- Oral Biology (MSc)
- Prosthodontics DClinDent
- Advanced Minimum Intervention Restorative Dentistry MSc MSc
- Aesthetic Dentistry MSc
- Conscious Sedation for Dentistry PG Dip Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Dental Cone Beam CT Radiological Interpretation PG Cert Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Dental Public Health MSc
- Endodontics MSc MSc
- Endodontology MClinDent MClinDent
- Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics MClinDent MClinDent
- Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation MSc MSc
- Operative Dentistry PG Dip Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Orthodontics MSc
- Paediatric Dentistry MSc MSc
- Periodontology MClinDent MClinDent
- Prosthodontics MClinDent MClinDent
- Regenerative Dentistry MSc MSc