Postgraduate Courses in Business Studies - 4646 Courses
University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen
Business School

- Accounting and Finance Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Business Administration MBA
- Business Administration (Business Analytics) MBA
- Business Consulting and Psychology MSc
- Energy Economics and Finance MSc (Econ)
- Energy Economics and Finance (Online) MSc
- Energy Economics and Law LLM Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Executive MBA (Shanghai) MBA
- Finance (Online) Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Finance and Investment Management MSc (Econ)
- Finance and Investment Management (with CFA Level 1 Examination) MSc (Econ)
- Finance and Real Estate MSc
- Finance and Real Estate (with CFA Level 1 Examination) MSc
- Financial Technology MSc
- Global (Online) MBA
- International Business Management MSc
- International Business and Finance MSc
- International Human Resource Management MSc
- Marketing Management MSc
- Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance MSc (Econ)
- Real Estate (Commercial Option) MSc
- Real Estate (International Option) MSc
- Decommissioning MSc
- Decommissioning (Online) MSc
- Project Management (Online) Master of Science - MSc (PG)
University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen
School of Law

- Business Law and Sustainable Development with Dissertation LLM
- Corporate Finance and Law LLM MSc
- Energy Law with Professional Skills LLM
- Energy and Environmental Law with Dissertation LLM
- International Commercial Law with Dissertation LLM
- International Commercial Law with Professional Skills LLM
- International Dispute Resolution with Dissertation LLM
- International Dispute Resolution with Professional Skills LLM
- International Intellectual Property and Information Law with Dissertation LLM
- International Intellectual Property and Information Law with Professional Skills LLM
- International Law LLM
- International Law and International Relations LLM
- International Law with Professional Skills LLM
- International Trade Law LLM
- International Trade Law (Online) LLM
- International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation with Professional Skills LLM
- International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation with Professional Skills (Online) LLM
- International and Comparative Law LLM
- Natural Resources Law LLM
- Oil and Gas Law (Online) LLM
- Oil and Gas Law with Dissertation LLM
- Oil and Gas Law with Professional Skills LLM
- Public International Law LLM
- International Finance and Political Relations MSc
- International Relations and International Law MSc
- International Relations and Management Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- International Tourism Management Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Museum Studies MLitt
- Policy Evaluation MSc
- Strategic Studies and Management MSc
- Accounting Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Corporate Social Responsibility MBA
- Engineering Management MBA
- Finance MSc
- Global Supply Chain Management MBA
- International Business & Marketing MSc
- International Business Management MSc
- International Finance MSc
- International Finance and Banking MSc
- International Marketing MBA
- Management and Finance MSc
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) MBA
- Product Innovation and Entrepreneurship Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Project Management MBA
- Accounting MSc
- Accounting and Banking MSc
- Accounting and Finance MSc
- Accounting, Banking, Economics, Finance, Management Studies and Marketing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Banking (Chartered Banker) MSc
- Banking and Finance MA MBA MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Business and Marketing MA Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Chartered Banker MBA
- Consumer and Digital Marketing Analytics MSc
- Finance MBA MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Financial Crime and Compliance MBA
- International Business MBA
- International Marketing Diploma MBA
- Investment Management MSc
- Islamic Banking and Finance MBA MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Management and Finance MA MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Research Methodology MSc
Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University
PGCE courses

University of Bath
University of Bath

- Accounting and Finance MSc
- Business Analytics (online) MSc
- Engineering Business Management MSc
- Finance MSc
- Finance with Banking MSc
- Finance with Risk Management MSc
- Human Resource Management MSc
- International Management MSc
- Marketing MSc
- Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc
- Strategic Retailing MSc
- Accounting and Finance MSc
- Banking and Finance MSc
- Business Analytics MSc
- Career Coaching and Coaching Psychology MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Culinary Innovation Management MSc
- Digital Business MSc
- Econometrics Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Economics MSc
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc
- Finance MSc
- Finance and Data Analytics MSc
- Financial Economics MSc
- Human Resource Management MSc
- International Business MSc
- Management MSc Master of Research - MRes
- Management Consultancy and Organisational Change MSc
- Management and Finance MSc
- Management with Business Innovation MSc
- Management with International Business MSc
- Management with Marketing MSc
- Marketing MSc
- Marketing Analytics MSc
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) MBA
- Organizational Governance and Sustainability MSc
- Quantitative Finance with Data Science MSc
- Sport Management and Marketing MSc
- Digital Media Culture MA
- Digital Media Design MA
- Digital Media Management MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Investigative Journalism MA
- Journalism MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Accounting Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Accounting and Finance MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management (with Specialist Pathways) MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management: Construction Management MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management: Operations Management MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management: Project Management MSc
- Advanced Engineering Management: Systems Management MSc
- Business Analytics Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Finance Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Financial Economics MSc
- Financial Management MSc
- Financial Technology MSc
- Human Resource Management MSc
- Integrated Study (Business and Management) PhD with Integrated Study
- International Business MBA MSc
- International Business (Singapore) MSc
- International Management (Online) MSc
- International Money and Banking MSc
- Investments MSc
- Marketing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Money, Banking and Finance MSc
- Strategic Marketing and Consulting MSc
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