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Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary Winners 2023

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Elijah Marshall, PGCE – Secondary Media Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London 

Bursary winner GoldsmithsGoldsmiths“I felt relieved and joyful – this will most definitely help me with my studies.” 

Elijah Marshall is studying a PGCE – Secondary Media Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London

Elijah was delighted when he discovered that he was the deserving recipient of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500 saying, “I felt relieved and joyful – this will most definitely help me with my studies.” 

The 23-year-old Black British Caribbean student chose to train as a teacher because he is keen to be a role model to young people's lives.” He chose to specialise in media studies because, “Media studies is a subject that highlights the importance of critical thinking in society, and allows students to form their own opinions regarding information they may receive from sources that teachers may provide.”

He continues, “It is a subject that reflects contemporary culture providing an opportunity for students to explore social issues such as racism, class, gender and sex that may be demonstrated through areas of work that include television audio, film, video, digital media, computer games, journalism, writing, publishing and marketing.” 

Elijah chose Goldsmiths because of its renowned excellence in teacher training, explaining, “I was drawn to the description of the course being a balance between study and lectures, feeling this was a more suitable and ideal route to contribute towards making a difference towards young people’s lives in the classroom. Goldsmiths is progressive and allows students to enable forward thinking, strengthening them to become better teachers.”

Speaking about his time as a postgraduate at Goldsmiths, Elijah says, “So far, I have enjoyed the growth of being at Goldsmiths University and placements, indeed as a trainee teacher, but overall, my own personal development. It has increased my resilience, as well as my subject knowledge of Media Studies, understanding the cognitive science of how the brain coincides with students’ education. I have also enjoyed being on the PGCE with my fellow university colleagues, it's been an opportunity to build relationships and share valuable knowledge that will enable us as trainees to increase our expertise in our practice.”

Elijah is finding the course both enjoyable and rewarding, explaining, “I am enjoying my course; every day is an opportunity to develop further relationships with students and shape their minds in order for them to reach their fullest potential. Beginning as a teacher entering the classroom, you are initially unsure of how students may react towards you; however, many have been pleasant and respectful and engage in the lessons. One of my highlights is reading back over students’ work, knowing they have learnt something new in a lesson I’ve taught. I had a student tell me that for a trainee teacher I am a 'good teacher' which made me feel positive and enabled me to continue.” 

Before entering the education sector, Elijah worked in an office job, and it was whilst doing this he realised that he wanted to make a significant difference to the lives of young people. He started his education career as a Teaching Assistant in a Special Educational Needs department at a mainstream school and could immediately see the impact he was making on children’s lives. He says, “It had become clear to me that developing the lives of young people became my passion. Therefore, I took the initiative to develop my skills and further my knowledge of the education sector by taking on a PGCE.” 

When asked what he thinks about our website, Elijah says, “I think the website is great and straightforward to use – simple and really good.” 

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Jessie Spoerel, Legal Practice Course, The University of Law

Bursary Winner University of LawUniversity of Law“This bursary not only makes a huge impact on my course fees but also relieves a significant amount of stress allowing me to focus on my studies!”

Jessie Spoerel is studying a Legal Practice Course (LPC) at The University of Law.

She was delighted when she found out she had been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, enthusing, “I was extremely happy and relieved to hear that I received this bursary, at first, I didn’t think it was real! Throughout my academic journey, I have worked extremely hard to fund my studies and in a currently challenging financial climate, this bursary not only makes a huge impact on my course fees but also relieves a significant amount of stress allowing me to focus on my studies. I am very grateful to Postgrad Solutions for awarding me this bursary.”

The 26-year-old British-Canadian student eventually wants to become a solicitor and chose to study an LPC following the successful completion of her Graduate Diploma in Law. Speaking about the LPC, she says “I am really enjoying my course so far and I am gaining exposure to a wide range of new areas of law.”

When asked about her choice of institution, Jessie says, I chose to study with The University of Law because I was familiar with their teaching methods, having done my Graduate Diploma in Law with this university. I chose this provider because the practical workshops and client scenario-based approach to learning legal knowledge and skills greatly appealed to me.”

She continues,In addition to the teaching, I really enjoy the extra-curricular options which The University of Law offers, in particular, the opportunity to get involved with pro bono clinics and develop core client service skills. During my Graduate Diploma in Law, I acted as a student advisor at the university’s Pro Bono Immigration Clinic. In my current course I hope to get involved in another clinic in a different area of law.”

Explaining her route into postgraduate legal studies, Jessie says,Having completed a BSc in Biomedical Science and an MA in Medical Ethics and Law, I have combined my interest in medicine and science with my passion for the law. My desire to understand the law and use it to assist others, and to pursue a career as a solicitor specialising in medical negligence, motivated me to complete the Graduate Diploma in Law and embark upon the Legal Practice Course in order to qualify. Completing this course will allow me to gain further fundamental legal knowledge and practical skills, preparing me to succeed well on a future training contract and as a newly qualified solicitor.”

Upon completion of her GDL, Jessie began a paralegal role in a clinical negligence department to gain professional and practical experience in this area of law. This is a fulfilling position that she wants to keep up with alongside her LPC studies, as she explains, “I assist with a variety of claims, in particular orthopaedic, gastric, cardiac and fatal cases. I am currently studying the Legal Practice Course on a part-time basis while maintaining my paralegal role, in order to gain academic knowledge and practical legal skills in a professional environment.”

Speaking about, Jessie says, “The Postgrad website is extremely straightforward to navigate, and the homepage sets out the things most important to postgraduate students. is an extremely useful tool for potential students and covers a range of topics which students will indefinitely need to consider and seek guidance on, from choosing a postgrad program to methods of funding – in my case, I found the fees and funding guidance most relevant to my postgrad situation. The world of postgrad education can be overwhelming, and Postgrad Solutions provides refreshing clarity to help potential and current students navigate a complex system.”

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Sarah Gura, MSc Applied Clinical Psychology, University of Central Lancashire

University of Central LancashireBursary Winner University of Central Lancashire“This money means I can concentrate on my studies more and worry less.”

Sarah Gura, 49, is studying an MSc in Applied Clinical Psychology at the University of Central Lancashire.

The British student was delighted when she discovered she was a recipient of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, explaining, “When I opened the email to confirm whether I had started the course I thought it was a scam. I tentatively responded and was surprised when I received an email back to say I had won. I was very pleased to have won!”

She continues, “As a mature student, I have a lot of responsibilities and I need to be on the ball all the time. This money means I can concentrate on my studies more and worry less. Thank you.”

Sarah is enjoying her masters, saying, “It is very challenging, but I am enjoying my course so far. The first day was a bit overwhelming in the sense that I knew I was another step in a long journey. The lecturers are amazing and very supportive.” 

She looked at lots of other universities before deciding on the University of Central Lancashire, explaining, “The other universities did not offer the modules offered by UCLan. It also offers a lot of support with the placements which takes some of the burden off students’ shoulders.”

Sarah is really pleased with her choice of institution, enthusing, “The campus is huge, and they have a large well stocked library. The student support is great. The lecturers can’t seem to do enough, and they have an open door policy, so you know there’s always someone to help you out. It also helps that I have made a few friends which makes navigating the course much easier.” 

She was drawn to study this topic to raise awareness to mental health issues and help those struggling within her community, as she explains, “Mental health is not a huge topic of discussion or even acknowledgment among my community. Having seen how people struggle with it and spurred on by my college tutor, I decided to embark on this journey so I can be able to raise awareness and support.”

Sarah continues, “I also want to encourage future generations to be equipped with awareness and be able to offer the support needed. I completed a BSc Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling degree at the University of Bolton, and it further opened my eyes to the prevalence of mental health issues.”

Speaking about our website,, Sarah says, “I came to know about it after I had a place [on a postgraduate program] already. It would have been and is a great tool in finding the right courses, funding and also finding about careers. It is easy to navigate and has all information on one website.” 

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Misha George Mond, MA in Acting, The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts

Liverpool Institute of Performing ArtsBursary Winner Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts“The money is greatly appreciated!”

Misha George Mond is studying an MA in Acting at The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts.

Explaining how they felt when they discovered they'd been awarded one of our coveted Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries, Misha says, “I was relieved. I work two jobs, that are zero-hour contracts, to support myself while studying, so the money is greatly appreciated.”

Misha, 23, has always had a love/hate relationship with acting, explaining, “As an autistic person, I find myself wearing a ‘mask’ most days, so training at a drama school is within the same ballpark.” They continue, “After the pandemic, I realised that life is too short and that I’d rather spend money on training in a profession I want to spend my life in as opposed to paying my landlord. Now here we are!”

And it was definitely the right decision to follower their dreams, as Misha is really enjoying the course so far. They say, “The main highlights include pushing myself to be very disciplined and consistent in involving myself in workshops and performances after a year in between my bachelors and this masters course. I’m learning new things every day from the people on my course, as we accumulate our life experiences when approaching different projects.”

As a teenager, Misha studied at a performing arts academy in the West Midlands, which gave them a taste of the industry on a level accessible for their age at the time. At this point, Misha knew they wanted to try out the standard university life in a broader subject because they didn’t want to commit themself to strict actor training before being sure it was really for them – so they chose to study a BA in Drama and English Literature.

Speaking about their experience as an undergraduate, Misha says, “It taught me a lot about myself. My undergraduate university championed more well-off students, and this drove my ambitions to only entertain institutions and projects that welcomed working class artists.”

Misha chose the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts for their postgraduate studies following an interaction with alumni and staff from the institution, they recall, “A couple of years ago, I found myself being directed by both faculty and graduates of LIPA in my first professional play. Based on their accounts of studying there, I came to realise that it was not only the one geographically convenient as a pioneering conservatoire in the North West, but that it was consistent in its accessibility for students. They also scrapped audition fees, which was a huge green flag.”

It is the ideal choice of institution for Misha, as they explain, “It was the only place I applied to that didn’t have ‘Royal’ in the title, and thus provided a non-elitist scope into the industry. The staff, both core staff and visiting directors and workshop leaders, are very kind and constructive in their advice, which is what I believe is needed to make good art, instead of pitting people against each other. Everyone is also involved in every consecutive decision within the structure of the day – when you’re always asked your opinion on something, it rids you of imposter syndrome.”

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Temitope Adeyemi, MSc in Psychology, University of Essex

University of Essex“It came as a wonderful surprise to be selected.”

Temitope Adeyemi is going to study an MSc in Psychology at the University of Essex.

He was delighted when he found out he was one of the lucky recipients of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary enthusing, “I was very pleased to hear that I was awarded the bursary. Being chosen from a large plethora of people means a lot and it will definitely help, as I was already struggling financially. It came as a wonderful surprise to receive the email that I had been selected.”

The 26-year-old is excited to be starting his masters in January 2024, saying, “I am very much looking forward to it as I believe it will start a new chapter in my life as I begin to further pursue my passion for psychology.”

The British student has been interested in psychology for a while. He explains, “My interest stemmed from personal mental issues that I had been battling, which sparked my interest in the subject to gain further understanding of the mind, and how I can use the things I was learning to my advantage in order to overcome the challenges that I was battling.”

Temitope finds psychology fascinating, saying, “It has so many different facets and elements which can help with understanding of self and others, giving you an advantage in navigating life. Whilst continuing to use my knowledge to overcome and advance my mental capabilities, I hope to one day use this knowledge to help others to overcome whatever challenges they may be facing.” He continues, “I believe that the mind is very powerful and, if utilised in the right ways, can be used to overcome many of life’s challenges and personal challenges.”

Temitope chose the University of Essex for his postgraduate studies because that’s where he completed his undergraduate degree. Speaking of his choice of institution, he says, “I trust the university to provide exceptional services and help their students to perform to the best of their abilities with the aid of amazing teachers and lecturers. I also really enjoyed the community spirit within the university.”

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Lucy Holmes, MLitt Strategic Studies, University of St Andrews

University of St AndrewsBursary Winner University of St Andrews“I was delighted when I found out I’d been awarded the £500 by Postgrad Solutions!”

Lucy Holmes is studying an MLitt in Strategic Studies at the University of St Andrews.

She was both relieved and extremely pleased when she found out she was a deserving winner of a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, enthusing, “I was delighted when I found out I’d been awarded the £500 by Postgrad Solutions. The financial impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic have meant that that the search for PG funding from external bodies has been quite difficult, so to finally have some positive news regarding one of my funding applications was very welcome, and a breath of fresh air.

It was while the 23-year-old was studying International Relations as an undergraduate that she realised that her true academic passion lies in military history and war studies, and she took all the relevant optional modules offered by the Centre for War Studies at the University of Hull. Upon successful completion of her bachelors degree, the Masters in Strategic Studies at the University of St Andrews was a natural progression to amalgamate her pre-existing undergraduate knowledge and specialise in her desired field.

Lucy chose the University of St Andrews because of its excellent reputation in her chosen areas of study. She says, “It is the top university in my field and has a range of strong international connections to help me start my career abroad working overseas after I graduate.” And its location in the UK is also very appealing to her, as she explains. “St Andrews is in a truly beautiful part of the country, remote and peaceful, which suits me to a T! The university has all the charms of a small, friendly town where everyone knows one another, but still retains the high quality of teaching and infrastructure necessary to get its students where they need to be career-wise.”

Despite finding the course hard, she is very much enjoying it, as she explains, “I am loving my course! It’s tough, but not in a bad way. One highlight so far has been banding together with my classmates organising an overseas trip to attend a mock NATO summit in Berlin at the end of this month, which I can’t wait for!”

Speaking of the step up from undergraduate to postgraduate studies, Lucy says, “PG study is a completely different experience to UG study, and to have a site [] which provides information and advice on course choices and finance as well as stories from real students is a vital tool to anyone considering further study. I believe that is very useful to both current and prospective postgraduate students.”

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Alexia Ariadne Kaplan, Master of Laws, University of Bristol

University of BristolBursary Winner University of Bristol“I am grateful for the financial support that this award provides!”

Alexia Kaplan is studying an LLM program specialising in the Environment, Sustainability and Business at the University of Bristol.  

She was delighted when she found out she’d been awarded one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500, saying, “I was really honoured to find out that I had been chosen given how many applicants there were, and I am grateful for the financial support that this award provides.” 

After Alexia’s undergraduate studies, she did a training contract and then worked as an associate at one of Africa's largest corporate law firms. Last year she was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa, an achievement that has provided her with invaluable skills and the opportunity to learn from some brilliant legal minds. The practical experience she gained in a range of different legal areas helped her to decide that her interests lay in legal aspects of environmental issues and sustainability. 

Speaking about her choice of postgraduate course, Alexia says, “My interest in the law was sparked by issues of justice and human rights, and I chose to study a LLM specialising in environmental law to further my interest in environmental issues and because I believe that climate change is the biggest human rights issue of our time due to the incumbent risks for increased conflict, state fragility and political and economic instability.” 

She is really enjoying her studies so far, and enthuses, “My lecturers are excellent, and I am studying with students who come from a variety of different countries and backgrounds and who bring diverging perspectives and practical insights to what we are learning about. I have also been enjoying attending events related to what I am learning about and my degree which are hosted by the University of Bristol.”

The 27-year-old South African chose to study at the University of Bristol because of its great reputation, she was also attracted by the city’s excellent environmental credentials, explaining, “I chose the University of Bristol because of its excellent reputation and high international ranking and because of how environmentally conscious the city of Bristol is. As a result, Bristol attracts many people who are interested in working on climate change issues, aligning with my areas of interest and my studies.”

It’s clear that she hasn’t been disappointed with her choice of institution, she says, “I really enjoy the beautiful campus that the University of Bristol has, with its old architecture paired with modern facilities. The city is also a bustling hub of different cultures, people and ideas, so there is no shortage of things to do and see – but it is small enough that it is easy to get around and to access beautiful nature.” 

And finally, a word from our winner about, “I highly recommend that all postgraduate students and anyone considering pursuing a postgraduate degree check out as it provides useful information on universities, courses and funding options, as well as other useful insights and advice relevant for postgraduate students.”