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Category – Distance Learning / Online Study - 2020

Posted Dec. 2, 2020
What is blended learning?
Put simply, blended learning – also known as hybrid learning in the US – is a combination of online/distance learning and on-campus learning.

Posted Nov. 4, 2020
Online MBA: your guide to achieving a successful career with a top degree
With seemingly endless career choices available for MBA graduates, it’s important to select the online MBA program that is right for you.

Posted Oct. 23, 2020
5 tips for staying productive when studying online
Perhaps the core issue for postgrads studying via distance learning is keeping productivity high when they’re unable to draw upon facility resources or typical student gatherings.

Posted Sept. 3, 2020
Keeping motivated as an online PG student
Online study is a great way to extend knowledge whilst keeping your normal life going, but it can sometimes be hard to keep working without other students keeping you motivated.

Posted Aug. 19, 2020
How can you balance online PG studies with your life?
Balancing your life with your studies isn't easy when you're studying via online or blended learning – let's take a look at how to achieve this.

Posted Aug. 13, 2020
What’s the difference between distance learning and online learning?
There are many similarities between postgraduate courses that describe themselves as online learning and others that describe themselves as distance learning.

Posted July 27, 2020
How can studying a masters program online help your career?
To make online study a success you’ve got to be self-motivated and find it easy to work by yourself. Here are some reasons how studying a masters program online can …

Posted July 15, 2020
Are there PG programs that can’t be studied online?
To put it simply, pretty much every kind of postgraduate course can be studied in an online version – but some are more successful than others.

Posted June 30, 2020
What are the best subjects to study online at postgraduate level?
there are some subjects that at the postgraduate level lend themselves to studying online more than others – let’s take a look at some of the subject options.

Posted June 2, 2020
What country should you study your online PG program at?
When you are looking into your online postgraduate options one aspect you should think about is where the course is based.

Posted May 18, 2020
Can you take all PG programs in an online version?
Let’s take a look ay some of the different postgraduate qualifications and how well they transfer to online study.

Posted April 28, 2020
How can you successfully study your postgraduate program at home?
- by Charlotte King
- In General, Study Advice, Coronavirus (Covid-19), Distance Learning / Online Study
As people around the world settle into the new way of studying and working from home wherever possible, this blog has some great tips to help postgraduate students make a …

Posted April 22, 2020
How to get the most from an online postgraduate open day
University online open days are a great way to find more about your chosen postgraduate program and all the facilities available at your chosen institution.

Posted April 17, 2020
Covid-19: adapting to the new normal as a postgraduate student
Lockdown in the UK has now been extended for at least another three weeks, and this means that the universities and schools in the UK will remain physically closed for …

Posted Feb. 3, 2020
The benefits of postgraduate online and distance learning
Studying online is an increasingly popular choice for mid-career professionals and international students alike. Let's find out why.
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