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Top Tips To Make Moving Into Your Postgrad Accommodation Easy
Moving is stressful and mix that with the anticipation of starting your postgraduate course is a recipe for a difficult day.
Having a plan and getting unpacked straight away will let you start your course relaxed and ready to study.
Make sure you pack everything you need
Before you leave home you should sit down and think of everything you're going to need for the year or term ahead. Specific student accommodation providers Fresh allow you to prepare everything you might need to arrive on the day you move in. Pre-ordering bedding, cooking utensils and all the other bits that you need from their partner will allow you to get your room ready right away. If you're going to bring everything with you, then get going packing up in good time. Do you know someone who has done a postgraduate course at the institution your heading to or better still completed the course you're about to start? If so, then have a chat with them and ask them if there is anything they wish they had brought with them. Try and be organised with your bags and boxes by having everything labelled clearly as this will make unpacking simple.
Create a tranquil study space immediately
When you move in the first thing you should do is designate your study area if it's not clear. Ideally, you should arrange your room so that little natural daylight will fall on your desk. If you don't have a choice about where the desk is situated, then spend some time making this area as tranquil and comfortable as possible. Fresh accommodation always has a place to study and bedrooms are designed with tranquillity and modern styling in mind. Studying is the whole point of your move to your new postgraduate accommodation so this is the first part of your room you want ready, especially if your course starts right away. After that, you will want to make sure that your bed is comfortable and that you have a nice spot to relax in for activities like reading.
Lay some ground rules with your fellow students
You're a postgraduate student now, which means you're at university to study and work hard. Hopefully, your flatmates and neighbours will be in a similar position to you but it doesn't matter if they are or not, as it's still a good idea to have in mind the kind of lifestyle you want. Do you want to be out and about partying or do you plan to spend most nights working on your coursework? Let your fellow students know what your plans are and be open about how much or little you want to socialise with them. You'll want to get to know them so you can relax in your home instead of spending all year surrounded by strangers but you don't need to spend every moment with them. Accommodation providers like Fresh will have events for you to meet your neighbours in a social setting. After you've got tricky subjects like socialising out of the way chat with your flatmates about cleaning and bill paying early on. Choosing Fresh for house sharing is super easy as you all have an individual contract and Fresh handle all the bills meaning you don't need to chase your friends for money.
Even if you have everything delivered when you move in bring along a few things to make your room feel like home. If you've done some research about social events, then you'll be able to settle into postgraduate life right away and get on with your course.
A little thought in advance about what you will need throughout the year will make everything else about your postgraduate course a little easier.
Fresh is one of many potential private accommodation options for international postgraduate students. Other private student accommodation options are available and advises you to research all your options thoroughly before making such a commitment. accepts no responsibility for your choice of student accommodation and does not endorse or support Fresh. Fresh Student Living Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 07268209. The VAT number is 142920528.
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