Postgraduate Courses in Education in England - 2594 Courses

- Career Guidance and Development MA
- Careers Education and Coaching MA
- Education EdD Master of Arts - MA (PG)
- Education (with optional specialist pathways) MA
- International Postgraduate Certificate of Education (IPGCE) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- PGCE Primary with Qualified Teacher Status Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University
PGCE courses

- Education (Early Childhood Studies) MA
- Education (Leadership and Management) MA
- Educational Leadership (Teach First) MA
- Inclusive Education MA
- Professional Practice MA
- Professional Practice in Higher Education MA
- Specific Learning Difficulties/Dyslexia MA
- Waldorf Education and Creative Pedagogies (Low Residency) Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
University of Bath
University of Bath

- Doctor of Education EdD
- Education Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA Master of Research - MRes
- Higher Education Management DBA
- International Education Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- International Education and Globalisation MSc
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MSc
- Career Coaching and Coaching Psychology MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents MSc
- Psychodynamics of Human Development MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Applied Linguistics and Communication MA
- Language Teaching/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Education and Social Justice MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
PGCE courses

- Education (Social Justice) MA
- PGDipEd Primary Education PgDipEd
- PGDipEd Secondary Physical Education PgDipEd
- PGDipEd Secondary Religious Education PgDipEd
- Postgraduate Diploma Primary Education (PGCE Advanced) PGCE
- Postgraduate Diploma Primary Education (SSPIP) Mathematics PgDipEd
- Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) Science: Chemistry PgDipEd
- Character Education MA
- Deaf education MEd Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties (ATS/APS). Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties (AMBDA) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Education Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA
- Education (Comparative and International Perspectives) MA
- Education (Inclusion and Disability) MA
- Education (Leadership) MA
- Education MA by Research MA (Res)
- Education for Health Professionals MEd Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Educational Leadership MA
- Inclusion (Autism Children) MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Inclusion (SLD/PMLD) MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Inclusion (Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties) MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Inclusion (Special Educational Needs) MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Inclusion: Autism (Adults) MA Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- MA Education MA
- MA Education (Comparative and International Perspectives) MA
- MA Education (Inclusion and Disability) MA
- MA Education (Leadership) MA
- MA Teaching Studies MA
- Mandatory Qualification for Teachers of Children and Young People with Vision Impairments Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) PgDipEd
- Social Research (Education) MA
- Special Educational Needs Coordination Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- TESOL Education MSc
- Teachers of Children and Young People with Multi-Sensory Impairment (Deafblindness) Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Teaching Studies MA
- Education Practice Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
University of Brighton
University of Brighton
PGCE courses

- Early Years Education PGCert with Early Years Teacher Status Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Education MA
- Further Education and Skills PGCE Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
- Health and Education MSc
- Leading Practice Education PGCert Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Physical Education (Secondary) PGCE Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
- Medical Education Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Early Childhood Education MA
- Education MA
- Education (Doctorate) EdD
- PGCE Further Education Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
- PGCE Secondary Physical Education Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
- PGCE Secondary Physical Education With EBacc Subject Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
- Special Educational Needs and Inclusion MA
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