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Examinations, examiners and supervisors
We have everything you need to know about passing your postgraduate exams in as stress-free a way as possible!

Get The Most From Your Supervisor
Having a good relationship with your postgraduate supervisor is a key element to academic success.
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Masters and PhD Examiners
A postgraduate examiner could be any of your academic supervisors that is responsible for marking your coursework or exams.
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Surviving Masters Exams
Even though, as a PG student you will have plenty of exam experience, there are still some coping techniques to master.
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Revision Strategies
Let's take a look at some of the best ways to ensure you revise as effectively as possible to ensure masters success!
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Dissertations & Theses
Here we have the lowdown on how to write your thesis or dissertation to the best of your ability.
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PhD Vivas
We have compiled some PhD viva tips to help you understand what is awaiting you if you become a PhD student.
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